Families for Christian Home Education - FCHE Families for Christian Home Education - FCHE Families for Christian Home Education - FCHE Families for Christian Home Education - FCHE Families for Christian Home Education - FCHE Families for Christian Home Education - FCHE

Check out these other groups in our area

Chippewa Valley Homeschool Forum

Be connected with homeschoolers in the Chippewa Valley. A forum based website that is secured by password. All families are verified as homeschoolers present or past. You do not have to be affiliated with any homeschool support group. Popular forums posts are used books/curriculum for sale, helpful website recommendations, Choir opportunities, Track, garage sales, and mom's asking for general homeschool help. 160+ families and growing.

Visit www.homeschool-life.com/wi/cvhs. Contact Denise Wood wwdawood@gmail.com  for more information.


(Homeschool Support Ministry of Bethesda Lutheran Brethren Church)

Students of Truth and Righteousness

"Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever." Daniel 12:3

Serving Eau Claire, Wisconsin and Neighboring Communities


  Homestars support group meets at Bethesda Lutheran Brethren Church in Eau Claire.  

 The purpose of HomeStars Tuesday Classes are to provide an opportunity for our children to learn and work together with other homeschooled children and experience the benefits of working in a classroom. It is our desire for them to develop new friendships and continue to foster the ones they already have! It is not our desire to provide a comprehensive, all-encompassing subject material, but to enrich the learning that is already taking place in your home.

Contact Linda Swenson 715-834-0713 for more information. Or log onto www.homestars.me
