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Meeting Minutes

Mentoring Moms Minutes
May 2017 Mentoring Moms Minutes

Topic: How to Get/Stay Connected With Other Homeschooling Families and Foster Relationships With Children

Mentoring Moms Minutes
March 2017 Mentoring Moms Minutes

Topic: Homeschool Law (Legal Aspects) and How to Stay Motivated

Mentoring Moms Minutes
January 2017 Mentoring Moms Minutes

Topic: What curriculum do you use?

Mentoring Moms Minutes
Ocotober 2016 Mentoring Moms Minutes

Topic: What is your typical day? How do you keep little ones engaged?

Mentoring Moms Minutes
September 2016 Mentoring Moms Minutes

Topic: Why did you start homeschooling? Share about how things went when you began.