Family: The Sample Family

Help Center

20 Help Resources Found – View all available Help Resources

  • Classes - Age and Grade Restrictions's tutorial on how you can restrict registration age within the Class Registration tool.
  • Classes - Parents
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on how you can register parents or volunteers for classes using the Class Registration tool.
  • Classroom Dashboard - Students's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard from the student's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard – Instructors
    Life-Site's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Assessments from the instructor’s perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard – Parents
    Life-Site's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard from the parent's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Assessments – Instructors
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Assessments from the instructor’s perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Assignments – Instructors
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Assignments from the instructor’s perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Assignments – Parents
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Assignments from the parent's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Assignments – Students
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Assignments from the student’s perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Assignments and Reporting (Upgrades) - Instructors
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on recent upgrades to the Classroom Dashboard Assignments and Reporting from the instructors perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Class Home Page – Instructors
    Life-Site's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Class Home Page from the instructor’s perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Class Home Page – Parents
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Class Home Page from the parent's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Class Home Page – Student
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Class Home Page from the student's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Grades and Assessments – Students
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Grading & Assessments from the student's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Grading & Assessments – Parents
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Grading & Assessments from the parent's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Grading – Instructors
    Homeschool-Life's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Grading from the instructor’s perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Instructional Media - Instructors's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Instructional Media from the instructor's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Instructional Media - Parents and Students's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Instructional Media from the parent's and student's perspective.
  • Classroom Dashboard Instructional Media - Resource Overview's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard Instructional Media and an overview of some 3rd party resources .
  • Classroom Dashboard Understanding Grading – Instructors's tutorial on the Classroom Dashboard and Understanding Grading from the instructor’s perspective.

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