MHEA - Minnetonka Home Educators Association MHEA - Minnetonka Home Educators Association MHEA - Minnetonka Home Educators Association MHEA - Minnetonka Home Educators Association MHEA - Minnetonka Home Educators Association MHEA - Minnetonka Home Educators Association


Welcome to the Minnetonka Home Educators Association (MHEA) Home Page. While our name reflects a Minnetonka location, most MHEA families live all over the Twin Cities. We are a group of Christian families joined together to encourage and build one another up as we homeschool our children.

HOW WE DO THIS: We pray. We meet together monthly to pray! As homeschool families we often carry heavy burdens that impact our homeschool. We gather together on the first Thursday of the month to pray for each other and to be in community.

WE GET OUT INTO OUR COMMUNITY: We provide opportunities for our children to participate in educational, social, and enrichment activities with their fellow homeschoolers to build knowledge and friendships through experience. We support parents as they volunteer their time and skills to build the homeschool community through planning, chaperoning and coordinating events.

WE HAVE FAMILY EVENTS: We have several events each semester that gather families to celebrate the seasons. We have a fall event, a mom's retreat, a Christmas party, and Expert Night, to name a few.

GYM CLASS: It is hard to teach gym on your own as a homeschool family. We work together to create a fun and encouraging environment for both the athletic kids in our community and those that are just trying new things. We have 4 classes on Friday mornings that are divided by ages and are taught by two homeschool parents with lots of experience in teaching physical education. We meet on Friday mornings at Ridgewood Church (4420 CR-101, Minnetonka, MN 55345)

WE SUPPORT HOMESCHOOL: We partner with Esther's Place in events that serve to educate and encourage parents on their homeschool journey.(

WE WERE FOUNDED: MHEA was founded over 25 years ago by a group of parents devoted to providing support for fellow home educators. At that time some families were breaking the law by homeschooling, and it has been a privilege to know these courageous parents, who are still in our community today. As defined in our Mission Statement, the MHEA is a group of Christian families joined together to encourage and build one another up as we homeschool our children.

We confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and seek to honor Him daily. Our beliefs can be found in our Statement of Faith on the toolbar to the left.

HOW TO JOIN US: Please know that we do limit our group size, so that families and kids can get to know each other. We typically do not have more than 35 families. If you are interested in joining us, please send an inquiry to Please let us know the best way to contact you and we will reach out to you as quickly as we can to get to know you a bit more. Then, we will send you the link to our signups and Band to get you connected.

We look forward to meeting you!

MHEA Leadership