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Eligibility Summary


  1. Homeschool Athlete – Student’s education is parent-directed
  1. Parents set graduation date and requirements
  2. Parents select course materials, schedules, tutors, videos, online courses, etc.
  1. 2.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale)
  2. Must be 18 or younger on Aug. 31 of the current school year
  3. Must not have participated in a high school graduation ceremony
  4. Outside Institutions
  1. Full-time enrollment in a traditional public, private, charter, university-model, or vocational schools renders the player ineligible
  2. Part-time enrollment in traditional public, private, charter, university-model, or vocational schools is allowed, if the student receives at least 51% of his/her education from classes that meet the homeschooling definition (calculated by number of classes)
  3. Co-ops are permitted
  1. They are characterized by significant and direct parent involvement
  2. Group of like-minded families
  1. Dual Credit is allowed
  1. Freshman-Juniors – must also take at least 3 high school classes
  2. Seniors – must also take at least 2 high school classes
  3. High school classes can include electives (Bible/PE) and/or taken through co-ops or other means
  1. There are additional eligibility guidelines that do not apply to most homeschool athletes and can be reviewed on the National Christian HomeSchool Championship (NCHC) website


CHSA follows the NCHC definition of homeschooling and rules of eligibility. See the NCHC link for complete eligibility guidelines: NCHC Eligibility Requirements. In the event of a discrepancy between the CHSA website’s eligibility summary and the NCHC website, the NCHC website is the authority.


Updated October 2019. Summary approved by NCHC.