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Make a Donation to CHSA

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Christian Home School Athletics (CHSA) is a non-profit volunteer-run organization that has provided competitive athletic programs in the Houston area for homeschool students between the ages of 8 and 18 since 1994. CHSA provides the opportunity for young homeschool Christian athletes to participate in basketball, golf, and volleyball. Your donations allow CHSA athletes to be taught Biblical principles through competitive sports. We strive to educate our young athletes so they grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, as well as physically. The young Christian men and women in our program will be mentored and groomed to become strong Christian leaders to help spread the gospel of Christ through their deeds and actions.  

With your donation, CHSA athletes are able to attend practices and participate in tournaments and games throughout the season. CHSA is a 501c3 non-profit organization; donations may be tax deductible. 

Complete the form below then choose your preferred method of payment.

  • Paying with a check: make payable to CHSA or Christian Home School Athletics and use the address below to mail in your donation:

                Christian Home School Athletics-CHSA
                PO Box 2292
                Friendswood, TX 77549

  • Paying Online: We gladly accept donations through VENMO. Please click this link to be directed @CHSA-Wolverines

Our players and parents are extremely grateful for your donation to our program.

Go Wolverines!!!!

1. *

Donation Amount: 

2. *
Please choose a specific sport that you would like your donation to support:
3. *

Donor or Business Name:

4. *

Donor Mailing Address:


Phone Number: 


Email Address:


Check the box if you would like a tax receipt.

Yes, send me a tax receipt.

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