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Hangout Room Policy & Rules of Conduct


Hang-out Room Policy (effective 11/19/24)

As leadership team, we try to keep an eye on the weekly running of the co-op & it’s organization. One item of recent concern has been the WAREHOUSE/HANG-OUT ROOM. Recently, we’ve implemented a specific list of rules & method of disciplinary action to be taken by the parents assigned to supervise. This list seems to be working out & we are finding the students generally willing to curb raucous behavior when addressed. BUT WE HAVE A NEW PROBLEM….The problem being the unsupervised very young children.

We at SEEK are blessed with lots of families and lots of young families. Therefore, in an effort to maintain order over the hangout room & safety for our young children; Children under the age of 5 years old are no longer allowed unsupervised in the hang-out room.

What does this look like? This means supervised by THEIR PARENT. There is ample space in the cafeteria for the young ones to play while mom eats lunch & is able to watch them. The Nursery is still available for ages 0-3 during mom jobs & your 1 hr of “kid free” time should you desire. They are still welcome in the hang-out room if mom or dad is ACTIVELY watching them in there.

Please realize that we haven’t implemented this to make anyone’s life harder, but instead to keep the young children of our co-op safe.


Hang-out Room Rules of Conduct (effective 10/11/24)

  1. Play should remain calm enough that no one gets hurt, church property gets destroyed, or any child feels bullied. This judgement is up to the discretion of the ADULT monitors present at each hour.

  2. Use the appropriate ball for each activity. For example, do NOT throw the basketballs around the room or in the 9-square or at the wall.

  3. Do not MOVE furniture, such as tables, chairs, or couches, in order to build forts. Leave church items where they were located upon arrival.

  4. Don't kick or hit any type of ball up into the ceiling or towards the screens.

  5. Don't stand on stools or tables.

  6. Don't spike the 9-square ball down onto smaller children.

  7. Don't eat ANYTHING in the hang-out room, including gum.

Hang-out Monitors may REMOVE students from the room at their judgement after ONE warning. If a student respons to this with dysregulated or inappropriate push back, then a visit with the student parent and a SEEK leader will be the next step.