Hello Spring!

CREDO's 14+ Enchanted Garden Spring Formal

Add to Your Calendar: 05/17/2025 18:00 05/17/2025 22:00 America/Chicago CREDO's 14+ Enchanted Garden Spring Formal CREDO's 14+ Enchanted Garden Spring Formal Taylortown Reception Hall CREDO CREDOStudentCoordinator@gmail.com false mm/dd/yyyy aUinrLWZczwYavqgBmQP30959

Date – Time

May 17, 2025 – 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Grade/Age Restriction

14 y/o–18 y/o


Taylortown Reception Hall
8568 Barksdale Blvd.
Bossier City, LA 71112 US

Additional Information

You are invited to the 2025 CREDO 14+ ENCHANTED GARDEN SPRING FORMAL

Print this page for your records:
By signing up and purchasing tickets for your teen to attend this year’s dance, you, your teen, and their guests are agreeing to the Attendance Requirements, Dress Code Policy, and Code of Conduct set forth by the CREDO Board and Dance Committee.

You also understand that the ticket sale price only allows entrance into the dance and snack foods, no dinner will be served.

Tickets not paid by Saturday May 3rd, 2025 will be canceled. We will NOT give refunds after Thursday May 1st, 2025. 


Photographers, their photos and any other extra perk that CREDO has provided are not guaranteed to every attendee, specifically teens who do not wish to participate.


1. Your teen must be 14 years of age on or before the date of the dance to attend, May 17, 2025.
2. You must be a homeschool student to attend and are allowed to purchase only one ticket for a non-homeschool student. Non-homeschool students are not allowed to attend unless invited by a homeschool student. 
3. If you are not a chaperone, you may pop in between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to take a couple of pictures but then we ask you to exit and come back at pickup time that begins at 9:30 p.m. and ends at 10:00 p.m.
Every year teens come in a wide variety of attire, some teens choose to wear traditional formal attire, others like retro and funky attire, and some dress to match the theme of the dance. All styles are welcome, but we do require that you keep the attire appropriate.
A. Formal, Semi-Formal, Special Occasion Dresses or Pantsuits are encouraged.
B. The neckline of a dress, top, or gown must be cut appropriately without showing cleavage.
C. Spaghetti straps or strapless dresses are allowed, but not if they show cleavage or are low cut.
D. The cut of a dress in the back and sides, even with a sheer inset, must end above the navel.
E. Short dresses or skirts should be at least middle thigh level or longer, no shorter.
A. Tuxedos, Suits or Dress Pants with a Shirt and Tie are encouraged.
B. No blue or black jean type material allowed.
To assure that everyone knows what will be permitted and discouraged, we have included behavior, etiquette, and dance guidelines below:
A. NO INAPPROPRIATE PDA OF ANY KIND (Public Display of Affection).
B. No provocative dance moves to include twerking, grinding, or sensually touching/patting their bodies.
C. No profane or suggestive language of any kind before, during, or after the dance (restrooms included).
D. Be respectful and treat everyone in a kind and courteous manner.
E. No alcohol, tobacco, or vape pens of any kind permitted at the dance or on the venue property.
F. No weapons or anything with the appearance of a weapon of any kind is allowed.  This includes a pocket knife or blade of any kind, air-soft, paintball, pellet, or BB gun regardless of if it’s empty or not. 

** If your teen, or their guests, are responsible for breaking and/or damaging property at the venue, you (the parent listed as their guardian) alone are 100% responsible for all damages and costs that are associated with the repairs/replacement of the property and CREDO will not be held liable under any circumstances.

**If your teen, or their guests, do not meet the Attendance Requirements or adhere to the Rules of Conduct and Dress Code Policy, the chaperones of the dance have the right to call you (the parent listed as their guardian) and ask that you come and pick the teen, and their guest, up from the venue property and that no refunds will be given for ticket holders who do not abide by any of the above listed terms and policies.

**If your teen, or their guests, are seniors who will be Class of 2025 graduates would like to participate in the Graduation Program at the dance or if they are juniors who will be Class of 2026 graduates would like to participate in the Crossover Program at the dance, please let us know so that they can be honored. We are super excited about this year’s dance and enjoying all of the exciting things that the CREDO Teen Event Planning class put together, we look forward to seeing everyone there!

** Click the link to join the official event page for CREDO's 14+ Enchanted Garden Spring Formal. There you will find picture links, parking instructions, and more. Event Page for CREDO's 14+ Enchanted Garden Spring Formal **

Thank you,
The CREDO Board and
The CREDO Dance Committee


Cancel an Existing Signup

Deadline for Signup: 5/3/2025 at 11:55 PM CST

Email the Event Coordinator – CREDOHomeschoolInfo@gmail.com, CREDOHomeschoolFinance@gmail.com