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Legacy Membership

Legacy is a home school support group made up of and serving like-minded families in the Charleston area. A board of actively homeschooling couples, elected by current members, provides prayerful and biblical servant leadership. Legacy strives to develop and nurture relationships among member families based on Galatians 5:22, as well as encourage excellence in education.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” -Galatians 5:22

Membership is open to persons who…

  • demonstrate a willingness to actively support and lovingly cooperate with the members of the Association as we work together to educate our children in a manner that is pleasing to God
  • currently homeschool at least one child abiding by South Carolina homeschool laws (see http://www.schomeeducatorsassociation.org/accountability.php for more information). Please note that children enrolled in the South Carolina Virtual Charter Public school are not considered homeschooled students and are not eligible for membership in Legacy. If any child in your family is enrolled in the SC Virtual Charter Public school or other similar distance learning public school program, your family is not eligible for membership in Legacy. (Note: high school students receiving dual credit through another institution – e.g. Trident Tech – while being homeschooled ARE eligible for membership in Legacy.)
  • adhere to the Legacy Statement of Faith, Association Bylaws, and the Guidelines for Field Trips, Classes and Annual Standardized Testing
  • are members in good standing of a local Protestant church
  • commit to assist in at least one activity of the Association
  • pay the current annual dues

Membership benefits include, but are not limited to…

  • opportunities to meet and make friends with other home educators
  • dads’ fellowship/equipping meetings
  • monthly meetings for planning, equipping and fellowship
  • field trips
  • regular social opportunities for children such as park days and parties
  • a lending library of books and tapes
  • standardized achievement testing
  • opportunities for group classes/socialization in academic areas, sports and fine arts
  • access to the Legacy member website and email loop for information

Legacy also strongly encourages membership in the following organizations…

HSLDA – Home School Legal Defense Organization. HSLDA’s mission is: “To preserve and advance the fundamental, God-given, constitutional right of parents and others legally responsible for their children to direct their education. In so doing, we rely on two fundamental freedoms—parental rights and religious freedom. We advocate for these freedoms in the courtrooms, before government officials, and in the public arena. Additionally, we assist other educational organizations in similar activities, where possible and appropriate.” Once you join Legacy, you will be sent a discount code which qualifies for a 15% discount on HSLDA membership. For more information and to join HSLDA, go to www.hslda.org.

If you should have any problems completing this form, please send email us at info@legacyhomeschools.com

Click to become a member now!


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