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Request Membership

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Welcome to CLEARwater Co-ops of LMHSC. Please read all of the information below, fill out the requested information and pay the New Family Enrollment Fee though the website or by sending in a check to the address below to begin your registration.

We have 2 locations for classes please be sure to select CLEARwater Muskegon or CLEARwater White Lake co-op.

Statement of Faith:

We emphasize the values of family and life. 
  • We believe in the traditional family (one husband, one wife), which is constantly under attack from the world today.   
  • We believe in traditional morality, purity before marriage, and mutual faithfulness in marriage. I Corinthians 7:2; Ephesians 5:3; I Thessalonians 4:3   
  • We believe in the sanctity of life and the protection of our children both before and after birth. Each child is a gift from God whose life begins at conception. Matthew 18:5
Mission Statement:
A distinctly Christian, parent-run organization, the mission of LMHSC is to enhance established home school programs by making available unique and trusted educational and informational resources while encouraging social interaction between families.  The mission is thusly stated:
  • LMHSC is a parent-run home school organization.  
  • LMHSC is distinctly Christian in nature but has an open membership to anyone who will respect this distinction.   
  • LMHSC is all about learning, networking with other parents, and giving home school children unique experiences.   
  • LMHSC does not exist to provide complete education for home schooled children but to enhance established home school programs. 
  • LMHSC will consist of different units which provide different services and/or support to the home school community.   
  • LMHSC may provide or make available resources and information to the LMHSC community and the community at large in support of its mission.
General Policies:
The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing all LMHSC policies, finances, and administration of programs, as well as matters pertaining to the health, safety, security, and general welfare of the constituency of LMHSC. trusts that all enrollees will uphold these policies. 
Enrollment Fee:
A nominal annual Enrollment Fee is required to be paid by each family wishing to enroll in LMHSC and participate in any of its sponsored activities.  The purpose of this Enrollment Fee is to offset a portion of the overhead and administrative costs of LMHSC. 
An enrolled family may be removed from enrollment for cause, including non-payment fees, which shall result in automatic termination of enrollment.  Enrollment may be reinstated, if full payment of outstanding balance is paid, plus a late payment fee amounting to 15% of the outstanding balance.
Behavior Policies:
As Christians, the goal of LMHSC is to obey ultimate end of all Bible-centered education is to grow in wisdom and virtue. Therefore, we require our families to exhibit the following minimal personal virtues at any and all LMHSC events and activities.
  • Kindness
  • Truthfulness
  • Courtesy toward others and respect for their property rights.
  • Punctuality in attendance and work.
  • Respect for and obedience to those in authority.
  • Diligence in effort and attention.
Additional restrictions:
No excessive horseplay.
No bad language.  Language that is generally or reasonably considered to be vulgar, inappropriate in a Christian context, hurtful to the recipient, racial, bigoted, or demeaning is not allowed at LMHSC-sponsored activities.
No hurting others.
No defacing property.
Failure to adhere to these policies will result in:
          First offense:  Warning given to child, as well as notification to parent.
          Second offense:  Child staying with parent for remainder of class, activity or event.
          Third offense:  Parent meeting with Council, with a possible suspension from that class,
                                activity or event.
Behavior that demonstrates a blatant disregard for person and/or property will result in immediate suspension. Criminal behavior is subject to immediate law enforcement notification.  In all cases, offenses deemed severe enough by the Council may be escalated to a greater level of response.   Board of Directors will be notified of such actions within 72 hours. 
*Please be sure to select below which section(s) you are interested in joining: currently: CLEARwater Muskegon or CLEARwater White Lake. Sections are listed below the Children's segment.   

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By submitting this registration form, you agree that:
LMHSC, Inc., reserves the right to use any photograph taken at any LMHSC, Inc., event, sponsored by the LMHSC, Inc., without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph. Photographs may be used in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by LMHSC, Inc., including but not limited to: yearbooks, catalogs, brochures, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.  

Payment Instructions

Enrollment in LMHSC runs from June 1 - May 31 each year. Payment though the website is the preferred method of payment but if you would like to use a check make it out to LMHSC  and mail to 4360 Beattie, Muskegon, 49445. Please email info@lmhsc.org when the check is in the mail.

    CLEARwater Muskegon Co-op
    4360 Beattie
    Muskegon, MI  49445


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