2025-2026 Classes
2025-2026 Class Schedules
BHC Provided Sequence of Classes
Suggested Schedules for 7th/8th grade
Class Descriptions
Lower School
Kindergarten - Kindergarten
1st Grade - Art, Science, Tapestry of Grace
2nd Grade - Art, Science, Tapestry of Grace
3rd Grade - Art, Science, Tapestry of Grace
4th Grade - Passport, Science, Tapestry of Grace
5th Grade - Passport, Science, Tapestry of Grace
6th Grade - Passport, Science, Tapestry of Grace
Upper School
Bible - Biblical Foundations: New Testament, Christian Theology, The Gospels
Fine Arts - Art 7th/8th, Art 7th-12th, Music Appreciation, Theatre Basics
Foreign Language - ASL 2, Introduction to Spanish, Spanish 1 - 1st Period, Spanish 1 - 3rd Period, Spanish 2
Electives - Academic Organizational Skills, ACT Prep, Computer Science
History - Government/Economics, Tapestry of Grace - Tuesday 2nd Period, Tapestry of Grace- Tuesday, 3rd Period, Tapestry of Grace - Thursday, 2nd Period, US History 2, 20th Century Wars and Revolutions, World History 2
Language Arts - American Literature, Classic Literature, Literary Analysis, Literature and Composition 1 - 1st Period, Literature and Composition 1 - 4th Period, Literature and Composition 2 - 2nd Period, Literature and Composition 2 - 3rd Period, Literature and Composition 3 - 2nd Period, Literature and Composition 3 - 4th Period, Research Writing and Logical Arguments
Math - Algebra 1-1st Period, Algebra 1-2nd Period, Algebra 2, Geometry, Math 7/8, Personal Finance, Pre-Algebra-3rd Period, Pre-Algebra 4th Period, Pre-Calculus
Science - Anatomy, Biology - 3rd Period, Biology - 4th Period, Chemistry, Forensics, General Science-1st Hour, General Science -4th Period, Life Science -2nd Period, Life Science - 3rd Period, Physical Science, Psychology, Zoology