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Forms and Logistics


Please read the appropriate handbook (upper and/or lower school), peacemaker pledge, and medical release/liability form. A parent and all BHC students must sign the signature page (includes handbook, peacemaker pledge, and the medical release/liability waiver). In addition, each student must complete the Student Information Form (all grades). Bring all forms to the mandatory parent meeting in August.   

New families (applying to BHC), please provide the referral forms to a current BHC family or a member of your church leadership (pastor or elder) and the student's former/current teacher. The reference may complete the form and submit it online.

ALL Students (K-12th grades)

Medical Release and Waiver

Peacemaker Pledge

Signature Page

Student Information Form

All Families To Be Interviewed (new applicants)

Referral Form (must be completed and submitted at least 24 hours prior to interview)

Referral Form Instructions

Lower School Students (K-6th grades)

Lower School Handbook

Upper School Students (7th-12th grades)

Upper School Handbook

Google Calendar

BHC Google Calendar


Teacher Payments


Carpool Map

Carpool Inclement Weather Map

Emergency Plan