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Membership Application

indicates a required answer

Thank you for your interest in joining EarthSchool's membership. We are currently processing applications for the 2023-2024 school year. Our membership committee processes applications biweekly. It may take up to 3 weeks for an update on your application. Thank you for your understanding.

NOTE: If written responses are a barrier to joining, please email membership@earthschoolmaine.org for alternative communication options.

1. *

Applicant 1 (ADULT) Full Name


Applicant 2 (ADULT) Full Name

3. *

Caregiver(s) Attending with child(ren)

4. *

Telephone Number

5. *

Email Address

6. *

Town or City family will be commuting from

7. *

Our COVID policy is ever-changing based on state and federal CDC recommendations as well as the needs of our most vulnerable members.

COVID POLICY: If you or your children are ill, please stay home. If you or your children have sniffles that "might" be allergies, please mask and distance yourself. Please follow all CDC recommendations for safety and make choices that make you and your family feel safe. Additionally, please be respectful of others' choices to mask or not.

Does your family agree to follow our COVID policy?

 (1 required)
Yes. No.
8. *

Have you previously applied or attended EarthSchool?

 (1 required)
Yes. No.

If you previously applied or attended EarthSchool, when did you apply or attend?

Please enter the number of children in each age-range who will be participating in EarthSchool:

10. *

0-4 years old

 (1 required)
0 1
2 3
4 5
11. *

5-8 years old

 (1 required)
0 1
2 3
4 5
12. *

9-12 years old

 (1 required)
0 1
2 3
4 5
13. *

13-18 years old

 (1 required)
0 1
2 3
4 5
14. *

Which statements describe your experience as a homeschooling family? (check all that apply)

 (1 required)
This is our first year. We have homeschooled prior to this year.
We're trying homeschool because of COVID concerns. We're veteran homeschoolers with wisdom to share.
We're looking for homeschooling support. We'll return to public school when COVID is over.
We public school but want to go to Earthschool too
15. *

How do you want to contribute to our community? (check all that apply)

 (1 required)
Teach classes. Other.
Assist with classes. Monitor preschool play.
Monitor outdoor freeplay. Help keep our facility clean.
Collaborate on member recruitment & admissions. Help support diversity, equity and inclusion.
Help plan & coordinate class schedules & teachers.

If, you chose Other, please elaborate.

17. *

What are you and your child/ren hoping to gain from EarthSchool?

18. *

We at EarthSchool celebrate and affirm the human rights of BIPoC, LGBTQIA+, and individuals who identify as neurodiverse, and disabled. How do/can you commit to celebrating and affirming ALL of these human rights?

Please take some time to thoughtfully reflect on this question. Responses that do not address each human right listed will be removed from the review process to request a more thorough response. Thank you.

19. *

If there are specific types of support EarthSchool can provide you and/or your child/ren, please describe them here.

20. *

Historically we have met between 9am and 3:30pm one or two days a week. How much or how little of that time would your family feel comfortable participating?

21. *

Are you interested in in-person classes, online classes, or both?

In-person. Online.
22. *

What factors influence your answer to the participation question above?

23. *

I would like to participate in EarthSchool :

 (1 required)
Fall Session (October-December) Winter Session (January-March)
Spring Session (March-June) Unsure
24. *

Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your family or your needs?