Request Membership in this Organization!
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Thank you for your interest in membership to Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Co-Op.
- All participating adults (parents, volunteers, tutors) need to complete & keep current their Diocese of Manchester's Child Abuse Awareness Training by completing either a "Protecting God's Children" live training session or completing Shield the Vulnerable Online Training program. These need to be renewed every (3) years.
- Please provide your HSLDA membership number. If you are not a member of HSLDA, you can receive a group discount through Our Lady Seat Of Wisdom Co-Op by using our discount number. Contact Our Lady Seat of Wisdom's Administrator for more information. (HSLDA membership is recommended, but not required).
- As a participating parent, what is your area of special training, interest, or education? Whenever possilbe, we try to match up the parent's interest with the needs of our students.