The GCHE CO-OP operates under Biblical guidelines and believes that the Bible commands us to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private or within the Christian church (see Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8). Therefore, the parties agree that any claim or dispute arising from or related to this agreement shall be settled by biblically based mediation. The parties understand that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this agreement or any dispute arising out of any activities or events associated with the GCHE CO-OP and expressly waive their right to file a lawsuit in any civil court against one another or against another GCHE CO-OP family for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision.
The undersigned parent or guardian of minor children listed above do hereby please and absolve said High Point Baptist Church, GCHE CO-OP, their leaders, agents, sponsors, and any members from any and all liability for damages or personal injury caused to said minor(s) as a result of his/her/their participation in the GCHE CO-OP.
I further agree to hold harmless High Point Baptist Church, GCHE CO-OP, agents, sponsors, and any members from any liability or personal injury, loss, or damage that may be sought by any party for any reason whatsoever as a result of said minor(s) participation in GCHE CO-OP.