TORCH Speech and Debate Club
New this year! “TORCH Tuesdays” Speech for ages 11 and up from 1:15-3 pm upstairs in Ed Building. Apologetics, games, Great Speeches in History, Mars Hill (bringing Christ to the Culture), and Impromptu. No Junior Speech, Childcare, or Debate on Tuesday. $200 per family if you just do Tuesdays. Jen Chang isn’t leading Salis on Tuesdays at Capital Baptist this year, so TORCH Tuesdays is designed to fill that need and offer extra practice for Thursday students. Tuesday and Thursday curricula complement or can stand alone. Thursday membership includes Tuesday as an optional practice. |
TORCH Tuesdays Speech and Debate
Begins Sept 17th in Rooms 206-208, continuing most Tuesdays 1:15-3. Will need 1-2 parents to stay as helpers.
Student must do one tournament and a parent must help with our tournaments as well. No juniors, childcare, or debate on Tuesday. This is for mature students willing to give it their best.
Speech instruction, Apologetics, games, Great Speeches in History, Media Madness Mars Hill, and Impromptu.
(For Tuesdays only mark “Sr Speech“ for participation; cost is $200; under “ Additional questions or comments?”….type “TORCH Tuesday Only”)
This is under the umbrella of Thursday TORCH but for our Tuesday co-op families. Some Thursday families will also attend. We are very excited about this opportunity!
Steps: To participate in only Tuesdays, you will:
- Join TORCH with notation "TORCH TUESDAY ONLY"
- Pay $200 via PayPal
- Send your email to to be invited to Band (full of great info!)
- Immediately accept invitation to Band and identify yourself on there as “Your Name TORCH Tuesday,”
- Join Stoa National at about $100 (tons of resources),
- Help your child with the weekly homework which is one Apologetics and one Mars Hill per week, plus occasional “Great Speech.”
- Help with tournament.
- Plan to stay the first day for orientation and sign-ups.
It sounds like a lot, but the fruits are worth it and the devil is a liar. We must hone our wits and witness to be ready for whatever comes next.
Why Stoa?
Stoa is a national high school and junior high Speech and Debate organization serving the needs of privately-educated, Christian homeschooling families. Stoa trains and supports us to develop students into confident, articulate leaders who change their culture through the marketplace of ideas. Our students become like family, as they encourage one another, accept criticism, and entertain both victory and defeat with grace. Our graduates have become leaders at every level of work, community, and ministry. See for more information.
What's Expected?
Leadership roles for students and parents bring you into the action. Junior Speech and speech-time childcare teach and tend to all tiers of your growing family. We seek to multiply your efforts, "Together On the Road for Christ's Honor." We amplify learning and fellowship with games, workshops, socials, skits, and movie nights. Members join our club, and the national club, both of which offer a bevy of resources.
You are wanted. You are welcome. Not for what you do, but for who you are. We will give you opportunities to become more fully you, in the image of your Creator.
We are bold, and we are shy. Our income brackets vary. We are from many states, and some from overseas. Military, State Department, and embassy families will find a home here. We are national-caliber, and we are getting over the jitters. We are from all walks of life.
We cheer for one another. We treasure the time we have together.
JOIN TORCH TODAY. Sign up here!