About FACE Member Directory Operational Guidelines Registration Package FACE Co-op

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About FACE

Our organization began as an answer to the need of a Christian homeschool co-op that could serve South Central PA and Northern MD.  FACE stands for "Family Academic and Christian Enrichment". FACE strives to provide classes that are beneficial to families and will help them succeed in their goal of educating their children. As a result, we strive to have educational and enriching classes for each age group in which parents are actively involved.

At FACE Co-op we ask all members or potential members to read and agree to our "Statement of Faith". This ensures we are all at one mind when it comes to the content we are teaching one another's children.  For the purposes of the co-op, family is defined as a married male and female couple (Genesis 1:27) or single parent, with one or more children: adopted, foster, or step-children. 

Membership demonstrates a willing heart to serve the group. As such, each parent must be willing to teach a class and help in a class. Weekly attendance is required of both the registered parent and all registered children. We do make allowances for absences due to illness or a pre-planned absence. We require that pre-planned absences are kept to a maximum of 1 absence per semester. 

Member families must currently be home schooling and have at least one child in first grade or above. (Classes are available for younger siblings of an attending, registered 3rd grade student.) Home schooling is defined as any schooling that occurs in the home (pre-school to high school) including- but not limited to- home schooling under the PA law or under a Charter school.

FACE Co-op's Registration fee is $100.00 per family per year. Extra costs above registration may include class fees, books, and supplies. Registration fees are due upon enrollment. Class fees are due in August. 

We welcome families to apply during our registration window. If you are interested in applying for membership, here are the steps to proceed:

        1.  Contact FACE Co-op's Vice President at facevicepresident@gmail.com

        2.  Read the Guidelines

        3.  Read and agree to the statement of faith

        4.  Review the catalog

  1. Click on "Registration Package" on side bar,  print and complete the necessary forms listed

** registrations are accepted upon board approval**


Open House Tours
March 20 - Thursday
09:20 AM - 12:00 PM
Open House Tours
March 27 - Thursday
09:20 AM - 12:00 PM
Kids' Business Fair
April 12 - Saturday