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Mrs. Kate Rutherford

Hi all! My name is Kate Rutherford and I am passionate about homeschooling.

I'm married to Daniel Rutherford and we have established a homestead in Nelson County called Rooted and Grounded Farm. He and I were both homeschooled for the majority/all of our educational experience and attended community colleges when we were 15-18 years old before transferring to university. We have three boys (ages 13, 11 & 6) and three girls (almost 8, and twin 2s). We are a foster family. I taught in a public school (third grade) for three years until our oldest was born. I am maintaining my teaching license from the state of VA (and I am available upon request to provide testing/evaluation letters about progress). I am currently researching and especially interested in early literacy, dyslexia, ADHD, and other learning differences.

I am also a 4-H All Star. Growing up my family became involved in various 4-H clubs across the state. We used these as our homeschool support groups. The experience I gained through 4-H was invaluable as I learned leadership, citizenship, service, communication, and many other skills through this organization. I hope to provide the same opportunity to my children.

I set up the Homeschoolers of Nelson Facebook group in 2013 as a place for people to share information, ideas, and encouragement. We also use it for planning playdates, meetups, field trips, and community service opportunities. Then in 2015 I worked with some other local families to establish a 4-H club in Nelson County. Since then our group has grown and expanded and we have decided to open it up to all the homeschoolers in the community to join us for special interest projects (unit studies).

Miss Elizabeth Sites

My name is Elizabeth Sites, and I am currently a junior at Nelson County High School.  At the end of last year I wanted to start a drama club in the middle school in order to spread the love of theater.  However, in the midst of planning the club, I was introduced to the Nelson County Clovers, and I jumped at the opportunity to help out and start a drama class for the students.  The musicals I have been in include: Guys and Dolls in sixth grade, Alice in Wonderland in eighth gradeand Chicago in tenth grade.  I have also preformed in Twelfth Night in sixth grade, andRomeo and Juliet in seventh grade I have also been the assistant director for Macbeth in eighth gradeas well as doing backstage work for the award winning Measure for Measure Nelson County High School 2016 One Act play Overall, I’m so exited to share the magic of theater with all who participate in the class!

Miss Kaya Winsheimer

Hi my name is Kaya Winsheimer, I am a 16 year old Junior in High School and incredibly passionate about drama. I first started working in theater when I was eight years old and in a production of A Midsummer Nights Dream, and ever since then I've been in love with performance. Through Middle School I was in many small productions including some at the Live Arts Theater in Charlottesville. I have also been pursuing acting throughout High school and will be in advanced drama at Nelson County High this upcoming year. I am very excited to work with, and share my passion with children while helping them become the most confident version of them self. I hope to see your child in class!