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Dress Code and Code of Conduct

While representing FAITH, parents and students should present themselves in a modest and
godly manner.

In order to present our bodies as a holy temple of God, the FAITH Dress Code is
as follows:

FAITH Dress Code

• Shorts and skirts must be longer than fingertips while arms are straight at the side with relaxed shoulders.

• No spaghetti straps or cut-off t-shirts (the Dance Dress Code will be addressed separately as FAITH Dances have their own guidelines).

• No midriffs, cleavage, undergarments or buttocks showing.

• No clothing displaying inappropriate or offensive content.

• Modest apparel is required at all times, including modest swimwear at swim functions (girls, one-pieces and tankinis only; guys, no speedos).


The Dress Code will be enforced at all FAITH functions, including but not limited to special events, field trips and athletics. Members not adhering to the Dress Code will be asked to leave the FAITH activity/event.


In order to present ourselves in a godly manner, the FAITH Code of Conduct is
as follows:

FAITH Code of Conduct

• Students should show courtesy for adults and peers alike.

• Language should honor God with no cursing or coarse language.

• No improper displays of affection.

• Bullying in any form will not be tolerated and can lead to immediate dismissal from the FAITH.

“Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional written, verbal, cyber, or physical act, when the intentional written, verbal, cyber, or physical act:

**Physically harms a person or damages the person’s property; or

**Is severe, persistent, or so pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening environment; or

**Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the program.

Harassment, intimidation or bullying can take many forms including slurs, rumors, jokes, innuendos, demeaning comments, drawings, pranks, gestures, physical attacks, threats, or other written, verbaly, cyber, or physical actions. “Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s).


Conflict Resolution

With so many different personalities, conflicts and misunderstandings may arise. If this happens, we ask you approach resolution with a spirit of kindness, gentleness, and grace. 

  1. First, think and reflect upon the conflict/differences. If you find peace about the issue, please move on and do not gossip about it.
  2. If you still feel the conflict/difference should be addressed, consider taking the problem to the person you feel has offended you.
  3. If you cannot reach a satisfactory resolution or do not feel comfortable speaking to the person, ask for assistance from a board member or committee chair.  

In the event of a dispute where biblical conflict resolution does not bring about the desired result (referring to Matthew
18:15-17 and I Corinthians 6:1-8), the Conflict Resolution Panel (CRP) will be employed.

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