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Interested in Teaching at Watermark? 

We are so excited you are interested in teaching at Watermark! Our desire is to bring to the Central Florida homeschool community classes that are high quality, hands-on, and taught by people passionate about their subject areas, and our teachers are the key to that.

Plus, teaching with Watermark comes with some perks, including priority registration for classes. Many of our classes fill up quickly, so first dibs on registration before it officially opens is a pretty good perk.  ;)  Being a teacher is a great way to get your children into classes as a new family.

As you design and propose your class, note that Watermark leans toward a more hands-on approach to education, with one of our goals being to provide students with classroom experiences that are harder to recreate in a home environment with limited students. As such, classes that work well for our co-op are ones that encourage group learning, projects, experiments, guest speakers, and a general hands-on approach, while avoiding an abundance of worksheets.

Please take the time to look over Watermark's website, then fill out THIS FORM letting us know you're interested in teaching with us and what classes you’re thinking of. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you have any questions about teaching with us, you can email Jessica, who oversees teachers, at Info@BeWatermark.com.


To fill out a Teacher Interest Form and suggest a class that you are interested in teaching, please click HERE.