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Mrs. Laura Erwin To All Instructors

 Physics and Algebra 1 Teacher

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree of Science in Nursing from Clemson University

  • Teaching experience: Assisted in classroom in Classical Conversations program for two years and have homeschooled my high school, middle school, and elementary school-aged children for past four years

UHC courses taught: 

  • Physical science

  • Elementary science, 

Began teaching at UHC in 2020

Jupiter Ed homepage: https://login.jupitered.com/login/?33919

Current Classes
Test Class -- Not open for enrollment – Instructor (closed)
Algebra 1 - CP - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Physics - CP - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Physics - HONORS OPTION - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
HS Math Lab (Wednesday) - 2021-2022 – (inactive)
HYBRID - Geometry - CP - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
HYBRID - Geometry - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Physics - CP - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Physics - CP - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Physics - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Physics - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
***CP ONLY - Geometry - 2022-2023 – (open)
Physics - CP - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Physics - CP - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Physics - HONORS OPTION - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Physics - HONORS OPTION - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)