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Mrs. Kristin Spinks To All Instructors

Art Teacher:  Kristin Spinks

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Elementary and Middle Education (PK-8), Master’s degree in Art education (K-12)

  • Teaching experience: Public Elementary School  (2nd, 4th and art) 10 years, Adjunct professor for college of education 11 years, Homeschooled my children since 2014

  • Certifications: certified to teach in South Carolina, Florida and Georgia

  • UHC courses taught: K4, 3-5 Art, Substitute teacher

  • Began teaching at UHC in 2014

Current Classes
Studio Art: Elements and Principles of Design (MONDAY) - CP - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Studio Art: Elements and Principles of Design (MONDAY) - HONORS OPTION - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Art for Middle School (7th-8th) - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Art for Middle School (7th-8th) - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Art for Middle School (7th-8th) - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
History of Art (MONDAY) - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
History of Art (MONDAY) - CP - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Art for Middle School (6th-8th) - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Art for Middle School (6th-8th) - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Art for Middle School (6th-8th) - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Fine Arts (MONDAY) - CP - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Fine Arts (MONDAY) - HONORS OPTION - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Art for Middle School - 6th-8th (Mondays) - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Art for Middle School - 6th-8th (Mondays) - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Art for Middle School - 6th-8th (Mondays) - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)