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Mrs. Ace Fallaw To All Instructors

Ist C, 5th Grade Math and Intermediate Math Lab

  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Latin American Studies from Furman University

  • Teaching experience: 4th and 5th grade in Spartanburg County Public Schools, 2nd and 4th grade in Greenville County Schools

  • Certifications: certified to teach in South Carolina

  • UHC courses taught:  1st C, 5th Grade Math, and Intermediate Math Lab

  • Began teaching at UHC in 2020

Current Classes
1st - Section C (Wednesdays) - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Math 5th Grade - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Intermediate Math Lab (Monday - 5th & 6th) - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
1st - Section C (Wed.) - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
1st - Section C (Wed.) - 2021-2022 - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Math 5th Grade - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Math 5th Grade - 2021-2022 - *COPY* – Instructor (open)
Math 5th Grade - 2021-2022 - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
Beginner Spanish (Mon. - 4th-6th) - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
Beginner Spanish (Mon. - 4th-6th) - 2021-2022 - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
IEW 1 (7th-8th) Monday - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
1st - Section C (Wed.) - 2022-2023 – (open)
Beginner Spanish (Wed. - 4th-6th) - 2022-2023 – (open)
1st - Section B (Mon.) - 2022-2023 – (open)
Beginner Spanish (Mon. - 4th-6th) - 2022-2023 – (open)
1st - Blue Spruce (TWO DAY - Mon & Wed) - 2023-2024 – (open)
1st - Yellow Birch (TWO DAY - Mon & Wed) - 2023-2024 – (open)
Beginning Spanish - Level 2 (Wed) - 2023-2024 – (open)
Beginning Spanish - Level 1 (Mon) - 2023-2024 – (open)