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Mrs. Paige Tittle To All Instructors

K4- Section B & Section C Teacher:  Paige Tittle

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education at Miami University of Ohio

  • Teaching experience: Public Elementary School: 2nd grade teacher for 1 year and 1st grade teacher for 2 years in Greenville County

  • Certifications: certified to teach ECE in South Carolina and Ohio

  • Began teaching at UHC in 2020.

Current Classes
K4 - Section C (Wednesdays) - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
K4 - Section B (Mondays) - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
K4 - Section C (Wed.) - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
K4 - Section C (Wed.) - 2021-2022 - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
K4 - Section B (Mon.) - 2021-2022 – Instructor (inactive)
K4 - Section B (Mon.) - 2021-2022 - *COPY* – Instructor (inactive)
K4 - Section C (Wed.) - 2022-2023 – (open)
K4 - Section B (Mon.) - 2022-2023 – (open)
K4 - Red Oak (ONE DAY - Wed) - 2023-2024 – (open)
K4 - Green Cedar (ONE DAY - Mon) - 2023-2024 – (open)