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Mrs. Elena McCart To All Instructors

Teacher: Elena McCart

  •  Education: Bachelor of Arts, Bob Jones University, Medical Interpretation Certification, Greenville Technical College

  • Work Experience: 18 years of immersion into the world of the deaf through service in church’s deaf ministry and 2 summers at camp for the deaf.

UHC courses taught: 

  • ASL 1, Hybrid Spanish

Began teaching at UHC in 2021

Current Classes
HYBRID - Spanish 1 - CP - 2021-2022 – (inactive)
HYBRID - Spanish 1 - HONORS OPTION - 2021-2022 – (inactive)
ASL 1 - CP - 2022-2023 – (open)
Spanish 1 - CP - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Spanish 1 - HONORS OPTION - 2022-2023 – Instructor (open)
Intro to Spanish - 7th-8th (Mondays) - 2022-2023 – (open)