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Mr. Ariel Jacala To All Instructors

Teacher: Ariel Jacala


  • Master of Mechanical Engineering, 1981 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, School of Engineering

  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, 1980 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, School of Engineering

  • Retired from GE after a 34-year career, having had roles as Module Integration Leader, Principal Engineer, Technical Leader and Design Engineer.  

  • Began teaching at UHC in 2022

Current Classes
Physics - CP - 2023-2024 – Instructor (open)
Physics - CP - 2023-2024 – Instructor (open)
Physics - HONORS OPTION - 2023-2024 – Instructor (open)
Physics - HONORS OPTION - 2023-2024 – Instructor (open)