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Crossroads Christian Connection (CCC) Co-Op Policies |
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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE To enhance education through enrichment activities, cooperative learning classes, and social events that uphold Christian values.
BOARD MEMBERS CCC is not a business, and the board members do not get paid. Our board members are moms just like you that are volunteering their time. What keeps them going are emails of gratitude, smiles on kids’ faces, and encouragement from members like you. If you are unhappy over something, please pray before reaching out to the Board. Remember, your words can build them up or tear them down. The hope is that CCC will continue to bless families for many more years to come.
We meet at Chapel of the Lake in Lake St. Louis, Missouri. CCC‘s schedule is dependent upon the church calendar. We try to meet twice a month, every other week, on a Friday. Sometimes we have no choice and have a back-to-back co-op, which is two Fridays in a row. Or we have to meet on a Thursday due to conflicts with the church calendar. CCC meets 8 times for the fall semester which runs August through November and 8 times for the spring semester which runs January through April. If there is a need to reschedule a co-op day due to bad weather, etc, we have back-up days scheduled in December and May. MEMBERSHIP PROCESS/COST CCC is a nonprofit organization supported entirely by its membership dues. The amount of annual dues is set by its board. To join us at CCC you will need to:
Our membership fee is $30/year/family. This yearly fee gives you access to the website, covers the cost of running the website and part of the insurance for members, and gives you the ability to participate in the extracurricular activities.* This fee is nonrefundable and must be paid in full for you to go to the next step which is family registration. The membership fee will be billed yearly in May. For returning members this fee as well as any past due fees must be paid in full to register for classes. *extracurricular activities: These are activities that your family can join in without being an active attending member of CCC classes. For example, your family could just attend the Valentine Bowling Party to hang out with other homeschool families, but not attend our classes.
This fee is billed for the year, then divided into 4 equal payments for your convenience in June, July, January, and February. The first two payments must be made by the first day of co-op in August. The third payment must be made before the co-op resumes in January. The fourth and last payment is to be made by the end of the first week in February. This includes all past due fees. The payments must be paid in full on the date due to hold your spot in the individual classes you register your child for and for your family to attend classes. This fee is nonrefundable. Discounts are given to teachers.
Class fees are also billed for the year then divided into 4 equal payments for your convenience in June, July, January, and February. The first two payments must be made by the first day of co-op in August. The third payment must be made before the co-op resumes in January. The last payment is to be made by the end of the first week in February. This includes all past due fees. Failure to make payment arrangements in times of hardship or to pay in a timely manner, will result in full payment being required up front for the following semester. Class fees can be refunded if your child drops a class before the semester begins, but the banking fees are nonrefundable.
CLASS REGISTRATION If you are new to CCC, please be sure to complete the membership process listed above to register for individual classes for your child/children. We register children for individual classes for the full year with registration typically starting at the end of May and running through June. This is registration for the fall/spring semesters of the upcoming year. We have staggered registration dates, beginning with returning families. Of those returning families, teacher's that teach 2 classes register first, teacher's that teach 1 class are next, followed by all other current attending families. After that, new families will be able to register their child/children if we have availability. note: We understand there may be one co-op date that interferes with a previous obligation. If more than two co-op dates interfere in a semester, please wait until next year to enroll your family. Dates can be found on our website. Parents are not allowed to drop off their children. A parent is required to be present in the building while their children are attending classes and all children attending must be registered in a class each block they are at CCC. If there are no classes available to register for one of your children, then we ask that you do not sign up for that block. Many families in the past have made arrangements for the child that does not have a class to be watched outside of CCC and brought to join the family for the blocks that are available. Older students may not sit in the car for a block that they are not attending a class; they must be registered in a class.
AGE DEADLINE FOR CLASSES Please note that the age deadline for classes is the age of your child as of the first day of the start of CCC. Choose classes according to your child’s age on that date. If your child is within a month of the cut off and you are looking into a CORE class (science, literature, history) then contact your child’s age group representative (found on the website) to see if it is possible to allow your child to be put into the older class. We do not allow students to be moved to an older age bracket for elective/fun classes.
DROP/CHANGE CLASS If you have questions about your child dropping or changing classes, please contact your child’s age group representative. This information can be found on our website.
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT The success of our co-op is directly proportional to the commitment level of our families. You are important in making CCC work, and without each family’s dedication we fail. During the blocks that parents attend CCC they can be a teacher, or they will be assigned as a helper, rescue helper, back-up helper, or have a block off to fellowship with other moms. Teacher: Share your gift and teach the children. Parents who teach have priority when registering for classes and also receive a discount. Helper: Parents are an extra set of hands to help the teacher. We expect our helpers to be involved in the class and not just an observer. A helper may be asked to fill in if the teacher is absent. Rescue Helper: Parents fill in as a teacher assistant wherever needed for someone who may be absent or in a class that may need extra help. You can check the Rescue Helper Sheet at the front desk when you arrive at co-op to see if you have been placed in a class. Back-up Rescue Helper: When we have exhausted our rescue helper list, you will be asked to fill in wherever needed. You can check the Rescue Helper Sheet at the front desk when you arrive at CCC to see if you have been placed in a class. Off Block: There is a designated area for parents who are not assigned to a classroom for a block to congregate. You are welcome to fellowship or prepare for class in this area. Children are not allowed in this area, even if accompanied by a parent. We try to give parents who attend all four blocks at least one block off, but some days it just doesn't work based on absences. It takes all hands on deck to make this co-op run well. You can talk to a board member if you have concerns. Nursery Moms: CCC has an awesome nursery! We have 2 small attached rooms for babies ages 0-2. One room has cribs and rocking chairs and the other has toys and chairs. It is a very comfortable room for babies. If you plan on bringing your baby, they will need to be registered just like all of your other children. Moms that are in the nursery are in charge of watching all babies in the room. We have moms that will need to step out for a block to teach or to assist in a classroom. Moms with babies can teach or help in a class. We typically have these moms in with the pre-K or 5-7 year old age group. They can leave their baby in the nursery with the other moms, or if they choose, can wear their baby in class.
CHECK-IN/START OF DAY When arriving at CCC you will need to sign in at the front desk and check the Rescue Helper Sheet to see if you have been given an assignment. Place all your belongings for lunch in the Fellowship Hall against the wall so they don’t interfere with the P.E. classes. Students will wait in the Fellowship Hall to be released to the first block at 8:50 am. Each of our 4 blocks are typically 1 ¼ hours (75 minutes) long with the day ending at 2:40 pm.
TRAVEL BETWEEN CLASSES All rooms will be labeled outside the door with each class name to assist the children in finding their rooms. Assistants who work with the 5-7 year old age group will escort the children from one class to the next so that they are never alone in the building. You may write/print out your child’s schedule and place it in their backpack to assist them. You can print your child’s class schedule from the website by clicking "Class Registration" whick is found at the top of the home page. Then click “Manage Registrations” which is on the right side of the page. It will have the classroom listed with the classroom number. You can print the schedule by clicking "Participation Report" which is on the right side of the page.
LUNCHTIME We will meet in the fellowship hall from 11:25 am - 12:10 pm. note: Parents, you are responsible for making sure your child follows lunchtime rules. Please watch your child at all times. If children are found outside the designated area, or outside without an adult, we will no longer have the privilege with the church to go outside for lunch, so we need parents to help to keep this privilege available for all. Parents are responsible for any damages caused by their children.
Children under 10: must have an adult with them who will be responsible for them while they are outside. Children ages 10+: can go outside as long as there is at least one adult outside in the designated play area. Students ages 14+: can use the upper lot, BUT MUST HAVE at least one adult with their group.
RESPECT THE BUILDING and GROUNDS! We are guests at Chapel of the Lake. No hanging on the pavilion, no being rough with the fence, no scraping mud on the concrete!
LUNCHTIME DISMISSAL PROTOCOL 12:00 p.m. Visit the restroom and empty all liquids before placing them into the trash can. Students may only take water outside of the FH. All other drinks need to be put away or discarded. All family items such as lunch bags and blankets need to be taken out to vehicles so that the Fellowship Hall can be cleaned and set up for Sunday service by the end of 4th block.
12:05 p.m. Announcements are made.
12:10 p.m. Teachers and parents of nursery/pre-K are dismissed first after announcements. Students ages 11+ will be dismissed by a board member to go directly to their classroom. Students ages 5 - 10 will line up at their designated class area to be escorted to their classrooms by a parent.
END OF DAY PROCEDURES Each parent will be assigned one room/area of the church to clean at the end of the day. Typically it will be the room you are helping in block four or an assigned area if you are off for block four. A list of the cleaning assignments will be at the front desk. Older children will be asked to assist with cleanup at the end of the day when available. If we all work together to pick up at the end of the day, we can all go home quickly. At 2:40 p.m. :
LEARNING DISABILITIES We understand that kids are all different with different learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. One of the blessings of homeschooling is the ability to alter academics and our approach to promote learning and not hinder it. When a new family registers, we encourage you to list your student’s specific disabilities and struggles on the form. This information will be shared with teachers so that we may approach students’ learning as best we can. For current families, if your child has different needs than what is offered in class, please communicate this to the teacher. We want every child to learn and succeed. A directory of our teacher’s contact information can be found on our website under “Links”.
GRADING Ultimately, it is the parent homeschooling the child that determines the final grades for all classes taken. Our teachers are volunteer parents that are helping you homeschool. At times we have teachers willing to do all the grading and testing for the class. If this happens, the teacher will send home grades for you to record. It is up to the parent responsible for the child's education to record and keep track of all grades for transcripts, etc..
TEACHER COMMUNICATION The website has a forum for each class. The teachers use this feature to post assignments and let the parents and students know what is going on in class. Older students are encouraged to add their email address on the website so they can receive these forum notifications about their classes. Their teachers also have the families’ email addresses to send emails if needed. Any questions or concerns can be emailed to the teacher. A student and teacher are never to correspond privately. A parent should always be copied on any correspondence that a student/teacher sends.
Students who do not complete an assignment or have a conflict with an assignment need to communicate with the teacher right away on why and what happened. Do not wait until the project is due. CCC teachers are amazing and full of grace! They are there to help your child grow and learn, yet their time is very valuable and some classes rely on students completing the work in order for the class to be a success.
Please copy/CC a board member on these correspondence for accountability. This will allow the CCC Board to be sure that we are meeting the needs of all members to the best of our ability and to remain an encouraging community.
Check your child’s bag often so you know when pencils need sharpening and supplies need replenishing. PRESCHOOL (ages 3-4)
K-5th (ages 5-10)
6th-12th (ages 11+)
FOOD ALLERGIES We are NOT a peanut-free co-op. For all allergen concerns, please read class descriptions carefully to see if a class may include exposure to food. Teachers are not responsible for providing alternative food options. It is up to the parent to provide substitutions. Contact teachers of any class if you have concerns. Teachers are provided with a list of children with allergies at the start of the year.
DRESS CODE Please be sure that your child is dressed appropriately to spend the day running, playing, and having fun. Check to see how your clothing covers you in active movements before leaving the house; bending, jumping, leaning, etc. If in doubt, DON’T wear it. Those who are not dressed appropriately may be sent home to change into more appropriate clothing.
note: These dress codes apply at CCC extracurricular activities, as well.
TWO-TIER LEADERSHIP We try to never have teachers or assistants alone in a classroom so as to maintain two-deep leadership. We know at times this may be impossible. If a teacher or assistant finds themselves alone in the classroom, they should keep the door open.
LOST AND FOUND We do not have a CCC specified lost and found at the church. If anything is left then it will be placed with the church’s lost and found on the rack above the coats by room 122.
ABSENCES In the event of an absence, you will need to contact CCC. On the website you will find the information for the person that should be contacted in case of an absence. In some cases, we have had parents arrange for a family member to watch their sick child so that the family is still able to attend CCC. We have also had some families ask a father or grandparent to attend CCC in the mother’s stead. This is permitted, not mandatory, but certainly appreciated. If an absence is pre-planned then the family member filling in for the CCC parent may assist in the classroom. In order for this family member to assist with children who are under the age of 18, a background check will need to be done. CCC will need 3-5 days notice to have the background check ready for the day of co-op. Please let the contact person for absences know if another family member will be attending so that we know how to schedule the day. note: We ask that families NOT have more than two absences in a semester. We understand being absent due to illness, travel, or unforeseen circumstances. If you have continual absences you will be put on the waiting list for the next year.
SICK POLICY We understand that all families want to do everything they can to participate in classes at CCC, however if you or your children are ill, we would much prefer you stay home and get well. The following guidelines may help you make your decision whether or not to join us. You/Your child may NOT participate at CCC if you:
We trust your discretion in deciding whether or not your child is well enough to participate on any given Friday. However, for the sake of all families, if anyone in your family is observed to have any of these symptoms, you will be asked to leave for the day. Please understand our decisions are made in the best interest of all the families who participate. Sick children must stay home. They may not sit in the car with a parent or alone while siblings attend CCC. For the safety of all, please do not bring sick children into the building. We utilize every area the church has given us; we do not have an area in the building where parents can sit with sick children. Having an adult present for each family is a requirement. We understand that sometimes an exception can be made. With permission from the Board, CCC may allow for a student who is age 15 - 19 years old to attend a co-op without a parent if they have core classes. The student must meet the following requirements:
note: This is an exception that if it is abused, will be revoked.
CCC will run on the same Snow Day Schedule as the Ft. Zumwalt School District/Wentzville School District. If school is closed for the district, there will be no co-op. An email and text notification will go out immediately to all families if we close due to weather. You will also be notified if we have to close for an unforeseen circumstance. Depending on the church’s availability and if one is needed, we will email CCC families with the backup day.
GUESTS We do not allow guests to attend CCC. If a family is interested in attending CCC then they can set up a tour by contacting CCC at contactcrossroadschristian@gmail.com. Family members are allowed to join a student for lunch or to view a student’s special presentation in a class.
PERSONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS We want to make sure we maintain an atmosphere that gives families an opportunity to participate, but with anonymity and not pressure. Please talk to a board member if you have any questions.
PHONE USAGE Please keep phone usage limited during classes and primarily for emergency situations, urgent messages, or voicemails. Please step to the back of the class during such moments so as to not draw attention away from the teacher.
WEAPON POLICY Items that can be used as weapons or perceived as weapons may not be brought to CCC. This includes items such as pocket knives. You may not bring a gun on the premises without permission from the lead pastor.
NEW FAMILIES CCC is always interested in opening our doors to new families. If you know of a family that thinks they might be interested they can check out the website, email a board member, or contact CCC at contactcrossroadschristian@gmail.com. We will give them a tour and answer questions.
WAYS TO HELP CCC Pray! Pray! Pray! Please pray over those that lead the group and be kind in your words. It is a lot of work that many don't realize. Negative comments and complaining emails can burn out and weigh the board down. Try to problem-solve small issues by reading the policies or praying before contacting the board. Please pray over the teachers. Our teachers are moms that just volunteer their time. Many teachers are new to teaching and do not have a degree in teaching. They not only have their kids to teach, but also yours. They give it all that they have and sometimes their approach may not be yours, yet remember to give grace as they are learning. Pray for God to help them grow and remember to encourage them as they are giving up their time for you. Please pray for families that attend CCC. We have never gone out looking for families to join but instead have prayed for God to lead the right families to us. Pray for God to continue to do this and to continue to take care of all the details to keep CCC going. Please pray over the church. CCC has had many homes over the years and God has always provided. This church has made us more and more their own. Remember to treat the building as you would your home. Thank the staff and pray for God to continue to bless the building and people that go to the church as they are a blessing to us.
DISCIPLINE POLICY Our prayer is that any situation that may arise may be worked out for the good of all and come to a positive resolution. Depending on the severity of the infraction(s) the Board will determine the appropriate course of action. Consequences may include a warning, suspension from events for a given period of time, or termination of membership. Offenses will be documented. If at any time, the Board is made aware of a situation or lifestyle that contradicts CCC’s Statement of Faith and/or policies, the Board may choose to terminate membership immediately. Ongoing discipline problems may result in loss of privileges at CCC. 1 Corinthians 1:10 “I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.”
CONFLICT RESOLUTION Unfortunately conflicts and misunderstandings can occur in any group setting. At CCC we will use Matthew 18 as our guide in dealing with conflicts that occur. Those having a conflict should first attempt to reach a resolution between them. If a resolution cannot be found that both parties agree to, they may bring the issue to the Board and two to three board members will meet with the parties involved and attempt to resolve the conflict. If that is unsuccessful, or if one of the parties is a board member, a meeting with at least 2/3 of the Board will be arranged and the Board will make a final decision. Matthew 18:15-17 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. |