General Policies
General Policy
1. Class sign ups occur twice a year. The age of the student on Sept 1 is the age group the student should be signed up for. Exceptions to this rule are based on space available and proximity of birthdate to Sept. 1. Otherwise, no exceptions.
2. Age waivers may be provided for students who wish to participate in a younger class.
3. Payment for classes is due on Invoice Day for each family. Invoice payment occurs online via PayPal. If you wish to pay in via check or cash, arrangements must be made in advance with DRHG Leadership.
4. Late payments will incure a $5 per day, per student-late fee to their invoice. Please be punctual with invoice payments as a courtesy to our finance team and the teacher's relying on a set budget to purchase class supplies.
5. Refunds for classes are not possible as these funds directly pay for the supplies for each class, DRHG operating costs, and PayPal fees. Please consider that when signing up for classes.
6. Classes have a limited number of spaces. If your child’s first choice is full, they will be registered in the next available option.
7. If your family chooses not to participate in co-op for one or more periods, please register them for “No Period 1 (or 2, or 3)” instead of leaving that spot in their registration blank. This selection means that you and your student will NOT be on premises of co-op during this period.
8. Any class fees are based on materials required for the class and are determined by the lead teacher.
9. Membership and registration fees are required to support our insurance, website, special events and church usage fees.
10. Del Rio Homeschool Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group.
11. All participating parents, whether teachers, directors, or helpers, have submitted to a thorough background check.
12. DRHG exists to serve the homeschool community as a support group and academic-enrichment cooperative, run entirely by volunteers.
13. Membership is available exclusively to those who have at least a 5 year old child participating in homeschool.
14. Church Playground is not for recreating at any given time outside of class time with an authorized teacher.
Homework/Supplies Expectations
1. Be sure your child comes prepared for each class with any materials their teachers have asked them to have for each class.
2. Label all items with your child’s name, especially in the Nursery and elementary classes.
3. Each child needs to bring a backpack to carry his/her belongings, a dry snack, and a water bottle. All food and drink should be labeled with your child’s name.
4. In an effort to avoid possible allergic reactions, please discourage your student from sharing their snack(s).
1. Interested potential members need to connect with the DRHG Leadership Team via email to coordinate a day to visit our group.
2. Current co-op members with family visiting may bring them to visit, but they will be expected to remain with them for the day. Please let the directors know before you bring any visitors.
Discipline Policy
Discipline notices are reserved for blatant or repeat disobedience and disrespect toward an adult, or for physical harm to another student. Warnings may or may not be given before issuing a discipline notice for these offenses. Discipline notices may be written by any adult member of DRHG during any DRHG function, including regular or extra class days, programs, or field trips.
- First offense: Verbal warning. Teachers/adults are encouraged to verbally inform the parent of the warning either in person during co-op that day or by telephone during the week after the verbal warning was given.
- Second offense: The second offense is to be documented by a written discipline notice. The written discipline notice is given to the parent and the DRHG Board. The student may be removed from class activities depending on his/her conduct.
- Third offense: The third offense requires a second written discipline notice. After the second discipline notice is received, the family will receive a written summary letter from DRHG's Director. If necessary, a conference will be held.
- Fourth offense or third written discipline notice: The third written discipline notice warrants expulsion of the student for the semester. DRHG’s Board reserves the option of expelling the family.
The DRHG Board reserves the right to expel any student who receives (2) discipline notices per semester for (3) consecutive semesters.
Exceptions -
- Plagiarism and AI usage, without explicit instruction from or the knowledge of the teacher, will result in a parent/teacher conference and a written discipline notice for the first offense. A second offense will result in a parent,teacher, and director conference with immediate expulsion. Plagiarism is defined as "using another's work without crediting the source".
Grounds for immediate expulsion:
Any purposeful acts of vandalism.
Any defiant behavior or foul language.
Any alcohol or controlled substances.
Any bullying behavior
Plagiarism and/or AI usage (2nd offense), without explicit instruction from or the knowledge of the teacher
Illness Policy
1. Please do not bring/send your children who have had fever, vomiting, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
2. Please do not bring/send your children who have cloudy phlegm, runny nose or a consistent cough.
3. Nursery teachers are permitted to take temporal temperatures if illness is suspected. If the child does in fact have a fever, a parent will be contacted in order to leave co op with their family.
4. If any family members are ill, elementary children must stay home with their families.
5. Any accidents should be reported to the Directors immediately. Parents must be notified.
6. All open wounds must be covered before the student can return to class.
7. If you have a child with special needs, such as dyslexia or cannot read by second grade, a medical condition, or food allergies/restrictions of which Del Rio Homeschool Group should be made aware, please indicate that on the Medical Release/ Liability form and inform teachers. DRHG and its families do not claim medical expertise, but will administer reasonable regular care when possible. No medicine will be administered.
Dress Code
1. No clothing that is revealing, see-through, or skin tight on top, middle, or bottom.
2. Shorts, skirts, and dress hemlines should be no shorter than mid-thigh.
3. All clothing must cover undergarments. No spaghetti strap tank tops.
4. Dress in a way that is appropriate for the type of class attending (ie appropriate athletic attire and shoes for PE classes).
5. No clothing with inappropriate, illegal, or immoral designs.
6. Shirts should cover the midriff and not reveal any skin above the waistline of the bottoms. No crop tops without a proper clothing layer underneath.
Dress code violations will result in parents being notified and the student being asked to change, or leave Del Rio Homeschool Group premises until they are dressed appropriately.
Attendance & Tardiness
1. Consistent and prompt attendance is vital for the co-op to run efficiently.
2. Students arriving more than 10 minutes late to class will be counted absent for that class period. They may arrive for the next period class if they’ll be on time.
3. More than (3) student absences will require dismissal of the student from the DRHG middle school program without fee refunds, barring any extenuating circumstances.
4. MSHS students may serve as helpers instead of participating Study Hall, when offered, on Elementary days by selecting Hybrid Study Hall at registration time. This time helping can count towards community service hours and students will be responsible for providing their tracker to whichever class they’ve been assigned to help in. On normal MSHS days, these students will not attend co op during the class hour they don't have a class scheduled.
General Behavior Expectations
1. Students are expected to act in a respectful and polite manner to adults and fellow students. For example: no talking over others, especially the teacher; raise your hand to be called upon; stay seated in your chair; say “Yes, ma’am/sir”, “Thank you”, “Mr./Ms. ____”, etc.
2. Students are expected to arrive on time and prepared with required materials for their classes.
3. Bullying behavior (whether physical, emotional, or verbal, including social media, text, etc.), and promotion of behavior contrary to any portion of our Statement of Faith, will not be tolerated.
4. Any controlled-substances found on Del Rio Homeschool Group premises will be confiscated and, if illegal, turned over to the Del Rio Police with appropriate names and information regarding the confiscation.
5. No smoking or e-cigarettes on the Del Rio Homeschool Group premises, including in vehicles. If found, the cigarettes or entire unit may be confiscated and disposed of without repayment or return.
6. No weapons, including pocket knives, allowed at Del Rio Homeschool Group.
7. No public displays of affection at Del Rio Homeschool Group, including hand-holding, kissing, embracing and/or other physical fraternization.
8. No rough housing, running or talking loudly.
9. Students are to be in designated areas only and may not loiter in the bathroom. If found in a restricted area they will be given a discipline notice.
10. No gum is allowed at Del Rio Homeschool Group.
11. Students are permitted to eat their parent-provided dry snack and drink water during the allotted 10 minute snack time at the end of Period 2 classes.
12. No electronics, including cell phones, may be in use in the classroom except those brought or authorized by teachers. All unauthorized or disruptive devices may be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.
Your belongings are your responsibility. Items left at co-op will be placed in DRHG's Lost and Found box. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of each semester.
General Teacher Specific Policies
1. Please make an effort to have your class syllabus, class supply list, and course description with fee submitted by each semester’s deadline. This deadline will be made clear through email communication by the leadership team.
2. Elementary teachers are paired with a helper for each of their classes. This is for the protection of students and teachers alike as it provides accountability for everyone.
3. If you're an assigned helper, you are required to be in your assigned class unless you have discussed an alternate plan with a director. A teacher may not dismiss you from your post as a helper.
4. Supplies purchased for classes that are already in the supply closet will not be reimbursed.
5. Submit reimbursement form with receipts in person to Lucie Norris.
6. Teacher’s reimbursement checks for class supplies will be distributed no later than the 8th elementary class of each semester.
7. Reimbursement checks must be cashed no later than 2 weeks past the last day of the semester in which the check was issued.
8. Teachers have a fiduciary responsibility to the families of Del Rio Homeschool Group for their Class Fee money. Teachers must turn in their Supply Reimbursement Form along with receipts to the Treasurer by 7th elementary meeting of each semester.
9. Cost for copies made outside of DRHG may be reimbursed. Please see copy policy for more information.
10. Any Class Fee funds that are unused or unaccounted will become donations to Del Rio Homeschool Group at the end of the semester.
11. Please use your Class Fees for educational purposes only.
12. If a teacher will be absent from teaching, they are responsible for finding a substitute. We recommend starting with your assigned class-helper. Helpers who will be absent need to notify Del Rio Homeschool Group immediately so that we can find a helper for your assigned class.
Middle School/High School Teacher and Parent Expectations
Teachers are expected to:
1. Send home assignments, work schedules, due dates, etc. every two to three weeks. This may vary from teacher to teacher, but some advance scheduling will be provided so students and parents know how to plan.
2. Send home a final semester assessment/report within two weeks of final semester class.
3. Return graded work with feedback by the next class period.
4. Return communication from the parent if concerns are raised within 72 hours of initial contact from parents.
5. Notify parent if there are behavior or student performance concerns in the classroom.
6. Notify Directors if there has been behavior communications with parents, and if there is help/support needed from coordinators.
7. DRHG teachers' tuition fees may range from $20 or higher per student, per class. If possible, please provide DRHG a list of supplies in an effort to provide transparency to our parents.
8. DRHG is not responsible for providing curriculum to teachers. Any curriculum purchased by DRHG becomes an asset of DRHG.
Parents are expected to:
1. Read all notes, schedules, and instructions sent home with students.
2. Communicate with the teacher (via the teacher’s preferred method of communication: email, text, phone call, classroom dashboard.) with any concerns regarding feedback, grades, behavior, etc.
3. Communicate with a Director if communication has not been returned or fruitful with the teacher.
4. Encourage and hold students accountable to maintain their course work throughout the semester. While parents have the ultimate authority in grades, parents should encourage students to maximize effort, participation and grades for the class in which they are enrolled. They should also encourage their students to accept instruction and feedback from the teacher.
5. Be involved. The teacher is teaching the class but parents still need to maintain a level of involvement with their students. They should know the schedules, expectations of the teachers, grades, and where and how students are progressing in the class.