Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
***UPDATE: Some calls seem to be coming through without issues (end of July); I'm going to leave the announcement up until I'm sure it's truly fixed. There are still times that calls cannot go in or out at the moment.
Lynda Rowley
CHA Administrator
If your student has the Florida Tax Credit/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Educational Options (FTC/FES-EO Scholarship), you cannot have them enrolled at CHA. They must be enrolled in a brick and mortar private school.
If your student has the Florida Tax Credit/Family Empowerment Scholarship for the Personalized Education Program (FTC/FES PEP), you cannot have them enrolled at CHA. They must be under the PEP only.
If your student has the Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities (FES - UA), you can enroll them at CHA; however, your tuition is not covered here. CHA is not on the 'pre-approved' list, but is on the Department of Education's list. Please let me know that you need a letter of confirmation of home education for your child and I will provide it for you.
If you have questions about scholarships before registering or renewing, please email me at!
Cheerful Heart Academy is a non-traditional private school serving as an umbrella for home educated students in the state of Florida.
Cheerful Heart Academy is registered with the Florida Department of Education as a private non-public school. (FLDOE #5844) Our purpose is to provide parents with the structured organization and accountability of a school while they enjoy the benefits of teaching at home. We hope to help many parents with this responsibility of giving their children a superior education.
Cheerful Heart Academy does not provide...Read More!
Returning Students/Families
Click Image to Donate to Missionaries!!
Missionaries Helping Ukraine

Help our missionary friends in Romania as they are literally being the hands and feet of Jesus during this war on Ukraine! The Frackers have set up a PayPal account to receive funds directly to help buy supplies needed as they are only 100 miles from the border and are making trips to give food, clothing, and baby supplies daily. Every trip has them bringing home at least one or two families to house until they can find a place for them. These people are sometimes carrying everything they own.
You can follow their Facebook Page - Our Life Mission to see photos and videos of what the Frackers are doing in Romania to help the Ukraine people. (Bus load after bus load of supplies going to the border!)
And you can click the image above to safely donate to their cause - it goes through PayPal and then directly to them. I have nothing to do with it other than posting the link.
And most importantly, you can pray for the people of Ukraine and the people in the surrounding countries who are trying to help them. Pray for this missionary family: John and Rita Fracker, and their boys Holden and JT.
Please CLICK BELOW & ENTER the amount you wish to donate.