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Arrow's Co-op FAQs


When and where does your group meet?


We currently meet at The River's Connect Building.



Directions to The River Connect Building {HERE}

During the program year, we meet most Mondays from 8:45am - 12pm with the option to bring your lunch and eat with friends from 12pm - 12:45pm.

Arrows is not affiliated with The River Church.  However, they have been very gracious and allow us to use their building at no cost to us.  We are grateful to The River and look forward to working along side them on our co-op days.  


How does your co-op work?


Arrows follows an academic school year (August - May).  We have 4 sessions per year, that have 5 to 6 weeks each.  During those 4 sessions, there are a range of parent-volunteer taught classes.  Every session looks a little bit different depending upon what our parent-volunteers decide to teach.  The cost of those classes are determined by the parent-volunteers and can range from $0 up to $40 with the average cost around $5.  Along with the class fees (that can change session to session), there is a $10 per session fee (or one time $40 fee) as well as the website fee that renews in February of each year.


How and when do I sign up?


To start, you will need to need to request membership through the website by clicking the "Join" button in the top right corner.  Once your membership has been approved you will have full access to the website, including the class schedules.  Registration for the different sessions is 2 weeks prior to the start of classes.  {HERE} is a link to a helpful video explaining how to sign up for classes once registration opens.

Registration dates will also be added to the calendar so be sure to check that out!

Policies, Bylaws, and Statement of Faith


Can you clarify the statement of faith?


When registering on our website you will see there is a Statement of Faith. For those who believe differently, we do not ask that you have those exact beliefs, only that you respect those beliefs are what is present within our group and that you will not openly speak against them to any child that is not your own. The same respect will be given to your family. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.  To read the full Statement of Faith, please see our bylaws.


What are the current organization policies? 


Please click ({HERE}) to view our policies. 


Where can I view the bylaws for the organization?


Please click ({HERE}) to view our bylaws.