Rise Up St. Charles Rise Up St. Charles Rise Up St. Charles Rise Up St. Charles Rise Up St. Charles Rise Up St. Charles



What does my $25 membership fee inlcude?


Your membership fee gives you one year of access to all of our trips, events, parties, classes, and other activies. It allows you access to our members only calendar, FB group, and even includes a few other hidden perks!


Do you accept people of other religions or that are non-religious?


We welcome all homeschooling families. Just as the church opens its doors to all, so do we. Please understand that Biblical values are the cornerstone of our organization, and we will operate under Christian standards. 



Do all of the classes have biblical content?


No. We offer many classes that have no religious content. Class descriptions will typically include if religious references will be included the class, but always feel free to reach out to the teacher or a member of leadership if you would feel better asking specific questions regarding content. 


My child isn't in the typical grade that corosponds to their age, how will they fit in at RUSC?


We group students according to their age, not acedemically. Your child will be welcomed by children their own age and we'll work with you to find teachers that are best for your situation. 


Does RUSC run year-round?


We offer various activities and field trips year-round, but our physical classes are held on a classical fall/spring semester schedule, meeting once per week on Thursdays.

In-person classes typically run 10-12 weeks with fall semester starting after Labor Day and ending at Thanksgiving, spring semester starting in February and ending around early May. 


Is this a drop-off program?


No, parents are required to be on-site at all times and volunteering in some capacity while their child(ren) attend. 


Do you have nursery or classes for preschoolers?


Only for families with older children enrolled that are teaching or otherwise need assistance with childcare to fulfill their volunteer duties. 


Can I visit during classes, or attend a field trip before making my decision?


Yes! As a matter of fact, we encourage it. Please email info@riseup-sc.org with your specific interests, and our membership coordinator will work with you to help you find the perfect time to attend a shadow day.  


I still have more questions, and would like to speak to someone before requesting membership.


Please email info@riseup-sc.org with your phone number and a board member will gladly reach out. 


Do you have a COVID-19 Policy?


Yes we do. 


Rise Up St Charles is committed to protecting and enhancing the health and quality of life for all members. To help ensure members have safe and healthy learning environment we are implementing the following guidelines: 

·      Wash hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 


·      Routinely clean and sanitize surfaces and objects that are frequently touched (especially toys and games) will be routinely cleaned and sanitized. This may also include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily. 


·      We Encourage the use of masks when social distancing is difficult. Note: Masks should not be placed on children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.


·      We ask parents/guardians to take their child’s temperature either before coming to the facility. Members who have a fever of 100.40 (38.00C) or above or other signs of illness will not be admitted to the facility. We encourage parents to be on the alert for signs of illness in their children and to keep them home when they are sick. 


·      If members/teachers are of age 65 or older, or with serious underlying health conditions, we encourage them to talk to their healthcare provider to assess their risk and to determine if they should stay home.


We hope that you will remain healthy and safe, and we thank you for your cooperation and understanding.