Ministry Missions - Benevolence House- Canceled This Week!
Benevolence House will be welcoming us to help get the clothing organized and hung up for families in need in our community!
We are so excited to get into DOING SOMETHING! :) We will meet at 9:45AM and finish up by Noon.
If you can come, please make sure to sign up right away. There is limited space in the facility! Parents, if you plan to stay with your teens, you must also sign up as there is limited space in the building.
Please make sure to come with closed toed shoes, just in case, and bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated, too!
**There is an age restriction imposed by the church on this ministry mission! This one is for those ages 12 and up! **
Hope to see you there!
300 W Ave BCopperas Cove TX 76522 CHESS false mm/dd/yyyy aUinrLWZczwYavqgBmQP30959
Date – Time
– 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Grade/Age Restriction
Adult 20+ ; 12 y/o–19 y/o
300 W Ave B
Copperas Cove TX 76522
Additional Information
Benevolence House will be welcoming us to help get the clothing organized and hung up for families in need in our community!
We are so excited to get into DOING SOMETHING! :) We will meet at 9:45AM and finish up by Noon.
If you can come, please make sure to sign up right away. There is limited space in the facility! Parents, if you plan to stay with your teens, you must also sign up as there is limited space in the building.
Please make sure to come with closed toed shoes, just in case, and bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated, too!
**There is an age restriction imposed by the church on this ministry mission! This one is for those ages 12 and up! **
Hope to see you there!