Community Christian Homeschoolers Community Christian Homeschoolers Community Christian Homeschoolers Community Christian Homeschoolers Community Christian Homeschoolers Community Christian Homeschoolers

Goals, Standards, Guidelines, & Informed Consent


1. Mutual support, encouragement, and fellowship for homeschooling parents.

2. Positive fellowship for our homeschooled children.

3. Exchange of ideas, resources, and information important to homeschooling.

4. Organized activities such as field trips, co-ops, classes, and parties, etc.

Purpose for Homeschooling

The purpose of CCH shall be to further the interests of home education of children by their parents in the areas of spiritual, academic, and character development, and to strengthen the family unit. This shall be done by all lawful means, including but not limited to mutual support, encouragement, and fellowship for homeschooling parents; positive fellowship for our homeschooled children; exchange of ideas, resources, and information important to homeschooling; organizing activities such as field trips, parties, subgroups, classes, seminars, clubs; and disseminating legislative and other information affecting their rights of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children.

1. Spiritual: God has given us the responsibility to train our children. (Deuteronomy 6:5-7) We have the responsibility to instill our faith and beliefs in our children.

2. Academic: We can assure every subject is approached from a Christian standpoint. Better quality of education through individualized instruction and more concentrated learning due to lower pupil-teacher ratio.

3. Character: We have a better opportunity to instill God’s Word and Christian values in the hearts of our children. We can build our children’s self-esteem and help them gain emotional maturity. We desire to decrease peer pressure that often results in negative character traits. To provide positive socialization by integrating learning with everyday experiences.

4. Family: We strive to build a stronger family unit and to foster a strong family relationship to which our children can turn for love, support, and encouragement.

Standard of Behavior Guidelines for Students

All CCH students are expected to follow these behavior guidelines:

1. We follow all the rules for the facilities CCH visits (homes, churches, public buildings, field trips). We do not run, jump or climb where inappropriate (this is decided by the subgroup leader or the field trip coordinator). We leave the facility in better shape than we found it, if at all possible. We clean up our mess.

2. We respect the property of others. We do not destroy or touch anything that does not belong to us.

3. We speak quietly and respectfully with one another. We do not interrupt while someone is speaking.

4. Students should focus their attention on building solid friendships rather than romantic relationships. However, should romantic relationships form, CCH expects a high standard of conduct. Students are expected to refrain from all public displays of affection at CCH activities, including, but not limited to, hand holding, extended hugging or touching, flirtatious verbal interactions, and kissing. If someone appears to be breaking this guideline, any present adult is welcomed to speak to the student(s). If approached more than once, the offending student(s) will be sent home; extreme offenses possibly resulting in being sent home the first time.

5. We remember we share Christ with others by how we behave.

Standard of Behavior Guidelines for Parents

All CCH parents are expected to follow these behavior guidelines:

1. We oversee our children at all times and ensure they are adhering to student behavior guidelines.

2. We do not gossip, speak ill of, or put down other members or children. We do not engage in conversation that is not encouraging to one another or pleasing to God. We seek to promote unity and peace among our members. Sowing discord and/or using foul/crude/vulgar language will not be tolerated.

3. We do not bring our personal doctrinal or political beliefs into CCH classrooms, and we endeavor to avoid divisive conversations that stir up conflict. 

4. We resolve conflict using the Matthew 18 model as described on page 13 of the Member Handbook.

5. We help CCH to function smoothly and efficiently by volunteering when possible in the following ways: teaching, planning a Mom’s Night Out, coordinating field trips or parties, setting up, cleaning up, etc.

Release/Informed Consent

All events for Community Christian Homeschoolers, including, but not limited to, subgroup meetings, activities, field trips, park days, are planned and organized by volunteer members of our group. If you choose to participate in an event, you will be assuming all risks, if any, for your participants. Please consider the activities involved in each event and the suggested age level. If you feel that your child will not be able to safely handle any aspect of the event, you should remove your child from participating. Each participant must assume the risk of physical injury that could result from any of these events.