Untitled Header Image Campbellsville Homeschool Co-op Campbellsville Homeschool Co-op Campbellsville Homeschool Co-op Campbellsville Homeschool Co-op Campbellsville Homeschool Co-op



Do I as a parent have to stay at co-op or can I drop my children off?


Yes, parents have to stay at co-op!  We are not a drop off program.  Without our parents volunteering in some capacity, we would not be able to hold classes.  It takes everyone to make sure the co-op days run smoothly!


When, where and how often do you meet?


We meet at Campbellsville Baptist Church

420 N. Central Ave

Classes meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.


Why are there class fees, when we pay a registration fee?


The registration fee goes to the co-op as a whole.  This pays for the website, administrative supplies, teacher fees, insurance  and use of the building.

The class fees, go to the teachers of the class.  This is for them to purchase any supplies they need for the class.  Some teachers may wish to have the families bring in the supplies, some teachers may want to purchase the supplies themselves to ensure the kids have what they need.


Can we use a credit card to pay for registration and classes?


Yes, you can use the Paypal button, which is located on the invoice to pay using credit/debit cards. A Paypal QR code is also posted on the website, you will need to know your total balance due if using that option.