Rochester (Tuesday)
Location Details
Class Dates - Fall 2024• September 10, 17, 24 • October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 • November 5, 12, 19 • December 3, 10 Thanksgiving Break: November 23rd - December 1st |
Class Dates - Winter 2025• January 7, 14, 21, 28
• February 4, 11, 25
• March 4, 11, 18, 25
• April 1, 8, 29
Winter Break: February 15th - 23rd Easter Break: April 12th - April 27th |
If the classes you are looking for are full, please reach out to us at or by calling 248-710-0360
Click a class name to see additional details.
Class Schedule - Winter 2025
9-9:55 am | 10-10:55 am | 11-11:55 am | Lunch | 12:30-1:25 pm | 1:30-2:25 pm | 2:30-3:25 pm | |
K - 12th grade |
Study Hall (W25-RT)
Kindergarten - 12th
Study Hall (W25-RT)
Kindergarten - 12th
Study Hall (W25-RT)
Kindergarten - 12th
Lunch (W25-RT)
Kindergarten - 12th
Study Hall (W25-RT)
Kindergarten - 12th
Study Hall (W25-RT)
Kindergarten - 12th
Study Hall (W25-RT)
Kindergarten - 12th
Kindergarten (Option1) |
Kindergarten 1 (W25-RT)
Kindergarten 2 (W25-RT)
Kindergarten 3 (W25-RT)
Kindergarten 1 PM (W25-RT)
Kindergarten 2 PM (W25-RT)
Kindergarten 3 PM (W25-RT)
1st - 2nd grade (Option1) |
Elementary Engineers (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Intro to Drawing (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Stop Motion Animation (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Anatomy for Kids (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Exploring Painting (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Introduction to Coding Concepts (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
1st - 2nd grade (Option2) |
Emerging Readers (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Gym Games (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Snap Circuit Boards (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Zoology (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
Sign Language (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
1st - 2nd grade (Option3) |
The Art Detective (W25-RT-LE)
1st - 2nd
1st - 5th grade |
Beginner Karate (W25-RT-LE/UE)
1st - 5th
3rd - 5th grade (Option1) |
Building Writing Skills and Grammar (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Stop Motion Animation (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
The Art Detective (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Gym Games (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Introduction to Coding Concepts (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Bringing Home Desserts (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
3rd - 5th grade (Option2) |
A Trip Around the World (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Elementary Spanish (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Beginning Ukulele (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Playing with Parts of Speech (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Sign Language (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Zoology (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
3rd - 5th grade (Option3) |
Exploring Painting (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Intro to Sports (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Be a Detective (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
Young Scientists (W25-RT-UE)
3rd - 5th
6th - 8th grade (Option1) |
Paleontology (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
Physical Science Lecture B (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
Physical Science Lab B (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
Earth & Space (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
Pre-Algebra B (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
Storytelling Around the World (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
6th - 8th grade (Option2) |
Advanced Writing and Grammar (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
ZETA Math B (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
Writing with Confidence B (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
World History - Reformation through the 20th Century (W25-RT-MS)
6th - 8th
6th - 12th grade (Option1) |
Debate (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Archaeology (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Exploring Painting (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Spanish 1 (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Intro to Sports (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Beauty From the Inside Out (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
6th - 12th grade (Option2) |
Sign Language (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Jewelry Making (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Bringing Home Dessert (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Home Economics (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Beginning Ukulele (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Gym Games (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
6th - 12th grade (Option3) |
Intro to Graphic Design (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
Yearbook (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
6th - 12th grade (Option4) |
Drama Club (W25-RT-MS/HS)
6th - 12th
9th - 12th grade (Option1) |
Personal Finance B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Algebra 2 B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Writing with Confidence B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Economics (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
American History (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
9th - 12th grade (Option2) |
Forensics Lecture B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Forensics Lab B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
The History of War (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Geometry B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Wise Detectives: Critical Thinking (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Psychology B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
9th - 12th grade (Option3) |
Biology Lecture B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Biology Lab B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
British Literature & Composition (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Algebra 1 B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
9th - 12th grade (Option4) |
American Literature & Composition (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Health and Nutrition B (W25-RT-HS)
9th - 12th
Click here to view 2023-2024 class schedules
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