Mrs. Kristi Robbins To All Instructors

Kristi is a homeschooling Mom of three who has a passion for reading well. After receiving her B.A. in communications for Lander University she felt very uneasy with the psychological interpretations modern professors place on old stories. So she began educating herself along with her kids and became deeply interested in literature (British and American). She has paid for and taken many courses with experts in the field. These are the rare professors who believe that stories should speak for themselves, and that we shouldn't read ideologies into the text. She reads the best professors (most of whom are dead) and is in forums with the top minds in and out of the country who are living. She will help your student recognize when people are using stories as a form of manipulation, which is sadly the plight of higher education (Christian and Secular). She is a Christian who is endeavoring to serve with Lord with the gifts He has given her and wants to give kids a love for learning and literature!

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