Freedom Scholars for America Freedom Scholars for America Freedom Scholars for America

Class Registration

Fall 2024

1st Hour 2nd Hour Q1 2nd Hour Q2 3rd Hour Q1 3rd Hour Q2 4th Hour 4th Hour Q1 4th Hour Q2
Littles - Rocks & Math Art
1 y/o - 5 y/o
Littles Snacks and Recess - Q1
1 y/o - 5 y/o
Littles Snacks and Recess - Q2
1 y/o - 5 y/o
Animal Fun
1 y/o - 5 y/o
Animal Adventures
Nursery ; 0 y/o - 5 y/o
Littles Free Play Hour
1 y/o - 5 y/o
Junior 1
Little Literature Ladies
Rocks & More
5 y/o - 7 y/o
Math Art
5 y/o - 7 y/o
Dynamic Gym Explorers
5 y/o - 7 y/o
Intro to Spanish
5 y/o - 7 y/o
Junior 2
Younger Boy Character Class
A Christmas Eve Journey Production - Part 1
5 y/o - 12 y/o
A Christmas Eve Journey Production - Part 2
5 y/o - 12 y/o
Making Dairy Products
6 y/o - 8 y/o
Chemistry - Junior School
6 y/o - 8 y/o
Junior 3
American Girls: Middle Girls Character Class
7 y/o - 9 y/o
7 y/o - 9 y/o
Playdough and Slime
7 y/o - 9 y/o
Historic Adventures
7 y/o - 9 y/o
4th Hour Free Play Rotation - Junior School
5 y/o - 12 y/o
Junior 4
Middle Boys Character Class
8 y/o - 9 y/o
Look what I made!
8 y/o - 10 y/o
Junior 5
Wonderfully Made (Older Girls Character Class)
Bound for Oregon
4th - 6th ; 9 y/o - 12 y/o
9 y/o - 12 y/o
Backyard Ballistics
9 y/o - 12 y/o
Making Dairy Products - 9-11
9 y/o - 11 y/o
Junior 6
Little Britches (Older Boys Character Class)
9 y/o - 12 y/o
Embroidery for Beginners
10 y/o - 12 y/o
Through the Wardrobe
4th - 6th ; 10 y/o - 12 y/o
Scholar 1
The Making of A Man- Leadership Class Males 12-14
7th - 9th ; 12 y/o - 14 y/o
Debate & Public Speaking
7th - 12th ; 12 y/o - 18 y/o
What is Art?
9th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Mini pottery and glass fusing
12 y/o - 18 y/o
Paint like great artists
7th - 12th ; 12 y/o - 18 y/o
4th hour scholar dance, projects, or games
12 y/o - 18 y/o
4th hour scholar dance, projects, or games
12 y/o - 18 y/o
Scholar 2
Dancing through life--Leadership Girls 12-14
6th - 8th ; 12 y/o - 14 y/o
Boats and Bridges
12 y/o - 14 y/o
Science experiments
12 y/o - 15 y/o
Nature Themed Charcoal Drawing
7th - 12th ; 12 y/o - 18 y/o
Be a Graphic Designer
7th - 12th ; 12 y/o - 19 y/o
4th Hour Babysitting
13 y/o - 18 y/o
4th Hour Babysitting
13 y/o - 18 y/o
Scholar 3
The Way of the Warrior--Leadership Males 14-18
9th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe
7th - 12th ; 12 y/o - 18 y/o
12 y/o - 16 y/o
Beginning Wood Burning
12 y/o - 18 y/o
12 y/o - 18 y/o
Scholar 4
Be the Hero of Your Story--Leadership Girls 14-18
9th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Principles of Liberty (Part 1)
9th - 12th ; 14 y/o - 18 y/o
Principles of Liberty, continued (Part 2)
14 y/o - 18 y/o
Be a Graphic Designer
7th - 12th ; 12 y/o - 19 y/o
Beginning Wood Burning
12 y/o - 18 y/o
Scholar 5
Study Hall
11 y/o - 18 y/o
Play Directing Apprenticeship - first quarter
12 y/o - 18 y/o
Play Directing Apprenticeship - second quarter
12 y/o - 18 y/o
Scholar 6
Study Hall
11 y/o - 19 y/o
Study Hall
11 y/o - 19 y/o