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Ms. Missy Stankowitz To All Instructors

Hi! My name is Missy Stankowitz.  I’m starting my fifth year of homeschooling and I have two amazing sons.  Before becoming a homeschooling parent, I worked in healthcare management and specialized in supporting seniors with memory care, which is something I truly cherished.  Both of my sons are heavily involved in sports and we are a very active family.  I, myself, just started playing hockey, but have always had a love for sports and friendly competition.  I have experience playing volleyball, basketball, track, softball, and dance. I am also an avid gardener, reader, and homesteader.  I’m excited to utilize my energy and love of sports this year at GROW.

Current Classes
PE Adventurers – (open)
PE Pioneers – (open)
PE Trailblazers – (open)