Ms. Alexis Shipman To All Instructors
My name is Alexis Shipman. I have 5 kids, ranging from pre-school to high school, and we have been homeschooling from the get go! We never imagined we would homeschool our kids, but early on, we realized how much we loved having the freedom to explore our daughter's interests, to encourage her to be creative in learning and create an environment that valued her unique wiring and learning style. That mindset has continued to grow with each of our kids and shape not only our way of doing school, but our family as a whole. So, I am excited to have the opportunity to encourage our little-est co-op friends to explore and learn in some new and creative ways this year! Besides homeschooling, a few things I love the most: my family, being creative, the beach, being a jail Chaplain.
Current Classes
S.T.E.A.M. Explorers – (open)