Our Vision
Recognizing the inherent need for fellowship within our local homeschool community, God’s grace and provision prompted us in late 2021 to embark on a mission to bring homeschool families together. Our goal is to represent Christ as we provide support and encouragement for like-minded families who are committed to the journey of Christian home education.
We are not a school; rather we are a community of families raising children in Christian fellowship with other families and believers. By the power of the Holy Spirit, our continuing prayer is to be an educational fellowship rooted in grace, a place where children look forward to coming each week, and a place where families experience the love of Christ.
The Calvary Chapel Homeschool Co-op is a direct ministry of Calvary Chapel Fluvanna, and as such, falls under the authority of the Calvary Chapel Fluvanna elder board. Additionally, this board has delegated authority to a co-op school board that oversees the broad activities and direction of the homeschool co-op. However, the primary educational relationship, interaction, and transaction is between teachers and families. The role of the Calvary Chapel leadership is to promote and foster a Christian environment for biblical worldview teaching.
Christ is central to our fellowship, therefore, all who desire to teach or volunteer at our co-op must agree with Calvary Chapel Fluvanna’s foundational beliefs, as follows:
Calvary Chapel Fluvanna has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe the only true basis of Christian fellowship is Christ’s love (Agape), which is greater than any differences we possess and without which we have no right to claim ourselves Christians. All volunteers and teachers are expected to teach from a biblical worldview. Additional statements of faith, as found at our What We Believe page, apply as well.
All families who desire to attend our co-op, must, at a minimum, fully respect the beliefs held by Calvary Chapel Fluvanna, as stated above. Respecting these beliefs does not necessarily equate to agreeing with every statement, but it does mean that co-op families will not in any way be hostile or antagonistic toward the professed beliefs of Calvary Chapel Fluvanna.
Our co-op school board has been prayerfully engaged in creating a hopefully welcoming and engaging environment to assist families in the noble endeavor of homeschooling. Please feel free to contact any member of the school board if you have any questions!
For the kingdom,
Calvary Chapel Fluvanna Education Ministry Board
Dana Catlett, Gabi Dech, Tom Guthrie, Heather Saylor, Adrienne Vanderveer