Melanie Harlowe To All Instructors
Melanie has a B.A. in sociology and economics from UVA, an A.A.S. in nursing from PVCC,
and in the Summer of 2025 will complete a M.S. in gerontology from VCU. Melanie and her
family have lived in Fluvanna for over 45 years, and she has attended CCF for over twenty years.
Melanie and her husband Chuck have two children and three grandchildren. She homeschooled
her children for many years, has taught Nurse Aide and Medical Terminology dual enrollment
classes at Fluvanna County High School, and currently works at Westminster Canterbury of the
Blue Ridge. Her oldest grandson, Reece, currently attends CCF Homeschool Co-op and will
attend CCF Kindergarten in the fall. Melanie loves being a grandmother and is excited to step
back into the world of homeschooling. “I am so very blessed that God guided me and my family
to CCF and that I have been offered this opportunity to teach your children.”
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