Field Day
The CHOICE Field Day is held usually the Thursday or Friday after the last week of co-op classes. There are games and activities for students of all ages! Field Day runs best when all moms help. Here are some things that can help make it memorable:
1. Location Recommendation:
Whitefield Baptist Church is a great place to have field day!
The games can be played out on the ballfield, and they can also be played in the gym if it rains.
The gym is easily available for kids to run in to use the bathroom, get some water, or sit in the air conditioning if they need to.
This is one of the events that is always held at Whitefield. It can be held at another location, but since a lot of families participate and most of them attend co-op, they are comfortable with the location. Also, since our supplies are in the gym, we don't have to take them back and forth.
2. Cost:
Field Day doesn't cost anything! We can use the supplies we have in our storage. Once the moms decide what games to play, they ask everyone to bring things from home.
3. Date:
April - Field Day is always the Thursday or Friday after the last week of co-op. It works out better to go ahead and have it while people are still used to coming to group things once a week. If you wait too long to have it, people are already finished with school, going on vacation, or are just out of the habit of getting together once a week.
4. Time:
Usually lasts for 2 hours.
Most families seem to prefer the 10:00-12:00 time frame due to the little kids' nap times.
5. Age Groups:
Most of the time, the students are divided into age groups. Games are planned for Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, and High School. Of course, it all depends on how many moms volunteer to lead the age groups or how many students sign up that are in each age group. We have had to combine Middle School and High School before.
6. Games
We play the traditional Field Day games most of the time. The three-legged race, potato sack race, relay races, egg toss, and more.
Any games can be played on Field Day!
Sometimes we have played sports games instead of group games. We have played volleyball, kickball, and soccer.
7. Extras:
Lunch - you can ask everyone to bring their own lunch, and everyone can eat together before going home.
Book Sale - you can have everyone bring any books they are ready to get rid of and have a sale.
**Click here to see a list of the supplies CHOICE has for you to use if you want**