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New to Homeschooling?  Here are some answered questions.




Where do I begin?

Pray! Homeschooling requires commitment and diligence from parents as well as student,but the rewards are priceless.


Decision made... I'm ready to homeschool:

You are now administrator,principal, and teacher of your homeschool! Rest assured that there are plenty of resources  available to help you successfully educate your child(ren). Beyond the enormous responsibility of your child’s education are the joys and rewards of watching your child learn, having time to enjoy and get to know your child, and being their source of character training and maturity, to name just a few.


Do I need to notify my school district if my child has never attended the public school system?

If your child has never been in the public school system, you do not need to inform your district of your plan to home school. Home schools in the state of NJ  are not regulated by the state. As a homeschooler, you are required to give an “equivalent instruction elsewhere than at school,” including the home. (N.J.S.A. 18A:38-25) You are required to teach reading, math, spelling, grammar. You are not required to give standardized tests although many choose to do so.


Do I need to notify my school district?

If your child has attended public school, you will need to inform the school of your intent to home school to avoid any truancy violations.  A notification form is available from HSDLA (www.hsdla.org) for this purpose. If you are contacted concerning your home school for any reason, explain your choice as one that offers your children a positive educational experience. It is best not to speak negatively about public school.  Be aware that you are not required to let anyone into your home without a warrant and it is best not to do so.  You are also not required  to have your curriculum examined or approved by anyone in the public school system. 


How to choose curriculum? 

Many home schoolers say that choosing curriculum is one of the most challenging aspects of home education.  Your choices are many!  Most curriculum suppliers offer merchandise catalogs.  A partial list of suppliers, their numbers and some websites is attached.  Suppliers' catalogues are usually free.  Reference books by Cathy Duffy and Mary Pride offer curriculum evaluation as well as other information that may be helpful to new home schoolers.  Be sure to check out the local library for some of these books and don’t forget interlibrary loan if the book is not available at your branch!  The public library does not have curriculum, but has many books about how to teach some subjects and also is a great source of informative books on any subject.  Talk with other home schoolers, or, if possible, attend one of the book fairs held in your area.  The more you read and the more you talk with veteran home schoolers, the easier it will be to discern the best curriculum for you and your child(ren). Most curriculums have teacher guides and/or lesson plans available.  For those who prefer more guidance, umbrella schools provide curriculum, teacher support, record keeping and testing.  


How much does it cost to homeschool?

The cost to home school each child varies considerably and can range from $100 to $1,000 per year. The dollar figure is usually proportional to the preparation time needed--the more the cost, the less preparation time required.  You, the parent, know your home situation best.  If you have several small children at home, you may need more help. Allow plenty of time for delivery of your curriculum (up to six weeks). Unless you choose an umbrella school, know that you are not locked into a particular curriculum or lesson plan. Family life is an important variable that you will want to accommodate in a reasonable fashion.  It is a learning experience in and of itself.


How do I plan a homeschool schedule?

After choosing your curriculum, plan a calendar for your school. Choose a starting date and a finishing date. Allow for holidays, sick days, teacher planning days, field trips, extracurricular activities, etc. Some home schoolers operate on a year ‘round plan and choose to home school only 4 days per week with holiday breaks throughout the year. Once you make your calendar, stick to it as much as possible. Gradually you will learn what works best for your family.  Be patient with yourself and your students since you are all making adjustments. And don't be afraid of what you don’t know. Many veteran homeschoolers can tell you of the great joy and special bond between parent and child as they learn together.


This may sound silly, but what do I say to my friends, family and neighbors?

Prepare yourself for every eventuality before you begin this new adventure. It is very likely that you have already experienced questions from friends, family and neighbors as you have considered this excellent choice of education. 


Still have more questions, please email contact us at info@chuc.org Someone will responded to your email as soon as possible.