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High School Graduation

High School Graduation 2024

We are excited to share with you that planning for CHEF Graduation 2024 is underway!

Our seniors have worked so hard over the years to get to this point. We pray that this CHEF Graduation will be a time of sweet reflection of their hard work and many accomplishments. We look forward to celebrating them and their academic achievements. 

There are many facets to graduation. Each family must participate in the planning by signing up to lead a particular responsibility (class verse, financials, photographs, pre-graduation snacks, cap/gown, etc.), attend the meetings, and attend the rehearsal for their senior to walk on graduation day.

Graduation Day - Saturday, May 18, 2024, @ 2:00 pm @ Istrouma Baptist Church

Rehearsal for Graduation Day - Thursday, May 16, 2024,  @ Istrouma Baptist Church (Mandatory)

All meetings will be held at Woodlawn Baptist Church
5805 Jones Creek Rd., Baton Rouge, LA  70817

Our meetings will be held at 7:00 pm at Woodlawn Baptist in the gym building (cafeteria area) between the small house to the right and the sanctuary. 

Parents and students must attend.  The dates are listed below so that you and your child can make arrangements to be in attendance.  

September 5, Tuesday

October 3, Tuesday

January 23, Tuesday

February 6, Tuesday

March 5, Tuesday

More meetings may be rescheduled if deemed necessary.  Also, some of the meetings listed above could be canceled if not needed.  

The links for all of the graduation documents will be made available here in the coming weeks.

Membership in CHEF of Baton Rouge is a prerequisite to participation in the graduation ceremony.

• The cost of participation is approximately $250
• Deposit of $100 payable by 2nd meeting, October 3.  Balance due at January Meeting.
• Make checks payable to "CHEF of BR" (with "Senior Graduation Fee" in memo) or use PayPal on your CHEF account.
• It is mandatory that the graduate and at least one parent attend all meetings. 

Click this link for more information about the graduation ceremony details. 

CHEF Graduation 2024 Coordinators

Scott and Stephanie Purdy

Questions about the CHEF 2024 High School Graduation should be sent to