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Senior Graduation Information Page

CHEF of Baton Rouge  
Graduation Ceremony Facts 

Who can participate in CHEF’s high school graduation? 

• Any homeschooler that is a member of CHEF (see CHEF website) 

How much does the CHEF graduation ceremony cost (per student)? 

 • Around $250 (this may be adjusted due to inflation) 

What does my graduation fee cover?  

• Cap & Gown Professional Photos (Eric Frank Photography) 
• Yard Sign 
• Cap & Gown 
• Diploma & Diploma Cover 
• Programs 
• Videographer 
• Graduation Day Ceremony Photos 
• Pianist 
• Master of Ceremony 
• Guest Speaker 
• Facility Fee/Custodial Fee/Police Tra?c Control 
• Graduation Day Lunch 
• Clerical Supplies 
• Lobby Decorations 
• Photo Mailing Supplies 

When is graduation?   

• It is always held on the 3rd Saturday in May. 
• Mark your calendars for May 18, 2024! 
• Graduation is typically around 2:00pm and graduates arrive between 11:30-12:00. 
• A mandatory rehearsal is held the Thursday night or Friday night the week of graduation. 
How many mandatory meetings will we have to attend during the school year? 
• There are FOUR meetings, which are held in the evening: September, October, January, & March (see 
CHEF website) 

How involved are parents in planning the graduation ceremony? 

• Very involved! Around 40 to 45 families must divide responsibilities to complete the planning process. 

How many students usually participate in the ceremony? 

• Each year is different but typically around 50-60 

What’s the deadline to sign up?   

• We would like everyone to sign up as soon as possible, but the $100 deposit isn’t due until the October meeting.   

What makes CHEF’s graduation ceremony special? 

• Homeschool graduates experience this traditional right of passage 
• Students are allowed to participate in the ceremony (prayer, pledge, music, speeches) 
• Parents and students walk in and out together to symbolize the experience of homeschooling 
• A guest speaker addresses graduates with an inspirational call to action 
• The church lobby is decorated for family photo opportunities 
• All families eat lunch together after taking a group photo of the graduating class 
• The programs include a bio sketch and