

My child has special needs/learning disabilities.  Is there a place for us in HSE?  


Yes, However, you may find that not all the activities and opportunities in HSE will be suitable for your child, depending on the degree of your child’s needs/disabilities.  HSE operates with parents who volunteer their time to lead classes and other activities. Parents who lead classes and interact with children, are probably not qualified nor have the proper training to provide a child with special needs/learning disabilities with the assistance they require.  To assure a positive, successful experience in HSE for everyone, we ask that you keep an open communication of disclosure about the needs of your child so that parents can honestly convey their comfort and ability to supervise and/or teach your child.  

HSE parents work to educate children about understanding and accepting human differences, but that does not mean placing unreasonable demands on parents by placing children with special needs/learning disabilities in classes or situations that are not academically, emotionally or mentally appropriate.

Overall, HSE could be a great place for you and your special needs/learning disabled child with open communication and careful assessment of your and your child’s realistic needs and expectations.


What kind of classes does HSE have and can they take the place of public school requirements?


A classroom co-op is a combined effort of all the talents, abilities and resources of the parents involved.  Parents remain on site and take turns volunteering to give lessons to a group of students, each committing to the preparation and meetings involved to provide a rewarding and successful class for all involved.  The classes are meant to enhance or be supplements to schooling at home and are not a replacement for public school nor do they follow the guidelines of any particular academic curriculum.  HSE’s co-op classes often extend the learning of your homeschool curriculum into a broader and more expansive unit, such as with history, group discussions, dramatic productions and hands-on science, but are not meant to replace schooling done at home.


How does HSE choose its classes?


Each semester, parents and children submit topics of interest for classes.  A popularity poll is taken to narrow the list down to the classes with the most interest.  Those classes with the most votes and that have a volunteer parent teacher get priority on the list.  Once a preliminary list is reached, the Steering Committee creates a schedule and confirms parent teacher commitment.  


I am comfortable teaching my own child, but I’m not comfortable teaching groups of children.  Are there other ways I can contribute?


There are many ways parents contribute to and are involved in HSE.  Some opportunities include, but are not limited to, assisting teachers, clean-up, playground monitoring, potluck and social event organization, service projects and more.


Does HSE have any particular religious affiliations?


No. While it is true that we hold classes at a church, we are a secular co-op and welcome families that practicy any and all (or no) religions!


Can I drop my child off at co-op for classes and pick them up at the end of the day?


No, HSE is not a drop-off program. You must be present during co-op to be responsible for your child. If, for some reason, you need to leave the building, just designate another trusted adult to take responsibility for your child until you return.


What age can my child join HSE classes?


Your oldest child should be at least 4-5 years old, or kindergarten age. 

We also have classes for children as young as 3, and a nursery program for children under 3 years. However, these are available to families who have an older child participating in classes as well.