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Who We Are

We are a group of Christian homeschooling families whose aim is to encourage and support each other as we impart to our children a love and respect for the Lord Jesus Christ.

ARCHERS is not a drop-off program. As part of our mission, we support one another through our classes and events. We encourage enrichment opportunities and ultimately strive to make an eternal difference through serving those around us. To help make ARCHERS as successful as it can be, we depend upon our members to fulfill commitments to our group. This includes teaching classes and/or coordinating events.

Who does ARCHERS serve?

ARCHERS serves Christian families that educate their children in a traditional homeschool manner. Families are welcome to join if they traditionally homeschool at least one child that is at least five years of age by September 1 of the joining year.

When was ARCHERS started?

ARCHERS, formerly known as the Grace Church Home Education Support Group, was started in 1989 by Marlin and Flo McKinley.

How large is the ARCHERS Support Group?

We serve approximately 80 - 100 member families.

Are the members of ARCHERS from Grace C&MA Church?

No. ARCHERS is a ministry of Grace Church, however we serve Christian families from a wide variety of denominations throughout the greater Cleveland area.

What does ARCHERS offer for students/families? (Offerings vary from year to year.)

  • Field trips
  • Service projects
  • Spelling bee
  • Oral presentations
  • Fairs (Geography, Science, History, Art)
  • Talent night
  • Model UN
  • Group rates for theater tickets and orchestra tickets
  • Daddy/Daughter Dance
  • Mother/Son Event
  • Parties (Christmas, Valentine)
  • Classes (extra fee required)
  • Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge
  • Book fair

What does ARCHERS offer for parents? (Shared on our secure website, archershomeschool.com)

  • Back to School Picnic
  • Homeschool How-To
  • Interested Member Meeting
  • Moms’ Night Out
  • Couple’s Night Out
  • Book Fair
  • End-of-year picnic
  • HSLDA membership discount
  • Mentoring programs
  • Information-sharing (on legislation that affects our ability to homeschool, on activities and events in our area that may be of interest to homeschooling families, discounts or deals available to homeschoolers, etc).

Does ARCHERS have regular meetings?

ARCHERS holds a mandatory annual meeting at the beginning of each school year. To minimize distractions and enable a large distribution of information, children are NOT allowed at the Annual meeting. Nursing babies are the only exception.

ARCHERS holds periodic emergency preparedness meetings that are also mandatory. Optional meetings throughout the school year may include:

  • How to organize your school day
  • Show and Tell Nights (what curriculum have you found helpful)
  • How to school your children with toddlers destroying the rest of the house
  • How to prepare transcripts, etc.

Where does the ARCHERS Group meet?

Most of our activities occur at Grace C&MA Church in Middleburg Heights, OH.