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2024-25 CCCHG Code of Christian Conduct

• All Primary Parents and Registered Adults are officially volunteers with our organization, and as such are often in charge of any of the following at any CCCHG function or event: Leading prayer, teaching Christian principles through example and in discussions in and out of the classroom, leading devotional times, teaching educational subjects using a Christian Worldview, sharing the Gospel, etc.  Due to this, agreement with the CCCHG Statement of Faith is required.

• Any behavior that is inconsistent with the CCCHG Statement of Faith by any members, whether parent or child, may result in immediate termination of employment, enrollment, and/or membership.

• Behavior inconsistent with the guidelines listed in the member handbook, and staff/student handbooks if applicable, as well as all membership documents may result in termination of employment, enrollment, and/or membership.

• Violent or threatening behavior is not tolerated, to include bullying. Shoving or reckess horseplay is not permitted at CCCHG functions.

• Stealing, fraud, and/or cheating at every level are unacceptable behavior.

• Sowing seeds of discord, gossiping with deliberate intent to hurt a person's integrity and good standing in the group or community, and/or passing on information with no factual truth is a serious offense, and may be grounds for dismissal or termination of membership.

• Vandalism or any action deliberately done to destroy and/or damage the property or belongings of the church in which the CCCHG meets or of any other host organization is unacceptable.  It will be the sole responsibility of the offender to reimburse the host organization.

• Individuals known to have committed crimes against children or other acts of moral baseness are not qualified to join, volunteer with or be employed by CCCHG.

• Teen boys and girls may not be alone together except in public areas, unless siblings.

• All persons at CCCHG functions and events must use the restrooms, locker rooms, and changing facilities conforming with one’s biological sex.

• Code of Conduct Provision on Sexual Activity and Expression: It is the policy of CCCHG to maintain a standard of behavior among its members, students, staff, volunteers, and visitors that is above reproach. In keeping with the ministry’s statement of faith, certain conduct will not be tolerated. (Gen. 2:24; Gen. 19:5, 13; Gen. 26:8–9; Lev.18:1–30; Rom. 1:26–29; 1 Cor. 5:1; 6:9; 1 Thess. 4:1–8; Heb. 13:4). In keeping with this policy, the following will be grounds for termination of membership, termination of employment, and/or termination of enrollment.

1. Demonstration of romantic involvement between non-married members, students, staff, volunteers, and visitors at CCCHG events. This includes, but is not limited to, kissing or any other contact that would contribute to undue familiarity.

2. Immoral conduct and/or advocating for or advancing immoral conduct. Immoral conduct is defined as bodily contact, actively undertaken or passively permitted, for the purpose of satisfying intimate desires and any bodily contact that a reasonable person would understand to demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in an immoral act.

3. Identifying statement(s) of immoral acts, defined as a member's, student's, staff, volunteer's, and/or visitor's statements, actions, language, or behavior, whether through dress or other appearance, an online profile, words, or other expression that a reasonable person would believe is intended to associate or identify the member, student, staff, volunteer, or visitor as sexually active or a claim that the person is homosexual, bisexual, transgender, or otherwise immoral or has the propensity to or intent to engage in immoral actions. (ie: “I’m sleeping with my boyfriend/girlfriend,” “I’m sexting,” or “I’m gay.” )

4. Homosexual or transgender conduct, either as acts or identifying statements, is not compatible with employment with, volunteering with, attending events of, or joining CCCHG and is a basis for dismissal and/or termination of membership.

• All members, students, staff, volunteers, and visitors must be treated with dignity and respect, free of threats or harassment.

• The determination of whether a member, student, staff, volunteer, and/or visitors’s actions constitute a violation of the code of conduct will be made by the Board of Directors.


Acceptance and Acknowledgment of CCCHG Code of Christian Conduct

An online copy of the CCCHG Code of Christian Conduct has been made available to me on the CCCHG Website. I understand that it is my responsibility to understand and comply with the requirements contained therein, both at and away from CCCHG events and functions. I agree to abide by the code of conduct contained therein and understand that if, at any time during or away from CCCHG events or functions, I violate any provisions of the code of conduct or engage in any of the behaviors listed, that I am subject to the discipline listed therein, up to and including termination of employment, whether paid or volunteer service, and/or termination of membership in CCCHG.