Catholic Homeschoolers of San Diego

Our Mission and Vision
Homeschooling is a way of intentional living, purposely choosing a different way for our children and families. That varies a great deal between each family, but our common unity is choosing a life of intentionally following Christ. This is the narrow way, the better part. As with any vocation it has its challenges and its hidden crosses, but also the joy and consolation of knowing that we are doing God’s will as we have discerned it for our families.
Following Christ is our primary goal, more than educational attainment or worldly success. The Catholic Homeschoolers of San Diego network exists primarily to serve that need - to accompany each other as parents and families on the path to Christ. So our mission as a group is not primarily educational but focuses on Christian fellowship to provide our children the connections, opportunities for joy, and encounters with Christ to encourage them (and ourselves) along the Narrow Way.
Homeschooling is not exactly a rejection of the world, though it often looks like that. Our attitude is not one of fearing the world, or hiding from it, but a recognition that the life of following Christ is better than what the world offers, even though it is difficult and must be pursued intentionally. It is a choice for something better, choosing values that our modern world forgets or subverts. Life in Christ offers all the peace, joy, and love we need in this world, and so we follow Him even though it means setting ourselves apart from many other things. But this does not mean we would leave others behind - anyone who would follow & who wants to join us and lay down their lives and take up His cross is joyfully welcomed and encouraged to join us. We make a special effort to welcome those who are starting out on this journey for the first time, who need encouragement to take the plunge into this immersive lifestyle.
Our group aims to support each other as we make that choice and renew it, choosing Him repeatedly every day. As a group of homeschoolers, we offer each other love, support, and encouragement along this journey.
Who We Are
Here’s some basic information about our group:
We are primarily a social and support group that aims to build up & encourage homeschooling families. We aren’t an educational institution, and all of our members choose their own curricula and remain the primary educators of their own children
We offer extracurricular enrichment classes weekly throughout the school year. This is our “co-op” and it relies on parent involvement to happen. All of our members are welcome to participate!
Our social life revolves around the Liturgical Year, with celebrations for saints’ feast days and holy days. Our gatherings are not only religious, though; we also meet for weekly park days and athletic events.
We support our moms with social events in the evenings for parents, retreats, and support groups.
Our primary goal is to grow in holiness, and to encourage each other as followers of Jesus Christ and his Church. If this is interesting to you, you are welcome to join us!
Request membership to this website to login and see our events, forum, co-op classes, and more.