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Prospective Members


What is Veritas Christian Academy?


Veritas Christian Academy is a co-op that partners with homeschooling parents to provide an excellent education in an encouraging Christian environment. We seek to empower students with the passion, courage, and conviction to obtain a higher level of education if they choose; while helping develop the intellect, gifts, and talents of every student. Our goal is to maintain an environment of positive fellowship and academic excellence, where kindness, character, and integrity are not only sought, but honored.

Veritas offers classes for pre-school through high school.


Where can I get more information?


Click on the prospective members link above and choose "Request Info." Once you fill out the information, we will get back to you as soon as we can.


What classes/levels does Veritas offer?


Veritas offers classes for all ages, nursery through high school. We offer all major subjects and some electives, and our focus is on providing excellent, college-prep high school courses. The class schedule may vary from year to year, but typical offerings include the following:

Elementary: Math, Science, Literature, Bible, History

Middle School: Math, Science, Writing, Literature, History, Electives

High School: Math (through Pre-Calculus), Science (through Physics and A&P), Writing, Literature, Spanish, History, Electives


How do I apply?


Under "Prospective Members" above, click the "Request Information" tab, and fill out the requested information. Admin will be in contact with you shortly.


Do I have to be a member in order for my kids to take classes?


Some years we are able to offer limited high school classes on a paid basis. Students may take no more than 2 classes as a non-co-op/paid student. Contact us for more info.


How much does it cost?


Co-op Members:

Registration Fee: Yearly co-op fee $40.00 non-refundable 

Due the last day of co-op in May:
Individual course supply and copy fees listed on course descriptions 
Due in March near end of semester:
$120.00 minimum donation for families that have Thursday only students - check made to school
$240.00 minimum donation for families that have Tuesday and Thursday students - check made to school

Non-Co-op members (Paid Students)
$60 co-op enrollment per student
$120 building fee per student
$300 per core class per semester 
Class Supply Fees- to be determined by each teacher (approx. $10-$50 per class)
Max 2 core classes plus electives
New Families and Students will need to be interviewed

Example of total paid student charges
$780 + class fees= one core class
$1380 + class fees= two core classes
All classes open at the teacher’s discretion (15 max students)


Do I have to teach?


Yes, one parent from each co-oping family must lead teach one class each year.  The Board, who makes the schedule, will take into consideration your degrees, past experience in teaching, your strengths and passions, your current home situation, and family dynamics when assigning you a teaching position. You are given one free period each Thursday, and if teaching an upper level class, a possible grading period as well; you will be assigned to assist during all other periods.  If you have a student on Tuesdays, you may be assigned a job on Tuesdays, usually requiring 1.5 hours or less. Exceptions may be made for families who have both high school students and elementary students.


When does registration begin?


The application process starts in January and registration for classes typically occurs in late-March or mid-April.


When was Veritas formed?


The Veritas Christian Academy (VCA) has existed since 1993 and was co-founded by Leslie Pye and Jenny Carr


What are Veritas graduates doing now?


Veritas graduates have gone on to attend colleges including Augusta University, Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, Georgia Southern, Augusta University Medical School (MCG), U.S. Air Force Academy, etc. Graduates have sought master's degrees, attended medical school, and pursued careers as police officers, missionaries, interior designers, nurses, physician assistants, doctors, military members, engineers, etc. 

Current Members


I am a member of the co-op. How do I request account login info?


Click on the icon at the top of the page that looks like a group of people and is titled "Request Membership." Once you fill out the form, we will get you registered on the website.

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